Part 16

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"Diana !" She heard a voice calling for her. She cancelled her intention of getting into the elevator and decided to wait for the next one. The door closed and she turn to the approaching man. He went next to her. "I have not seen you for ages. Padahal kerja satu hospital" He chuckles as he said it out.

"Ni my mom jemput datang. Adik I kahwin." He passed the invitation. Diana took the black envelope. "Adik you yang mana ni ? Chichi ?" Diana tries remembering Amir's whole family.

"Yeah adik bongsu I. Chichi." He nodded. The elevator door opens. They both went in. "Wow dah nak kahwin dah Chichi. You bila lagi ?" Diana tease as she sees Amir scratch his not itchy scalp. Getting tried of the teasing perhaps.

"Siapa laa nak I. Sampai tua lah I tak kahwin." He plays victim. He thought of Mira again. His dead girlfriend. They almost got married but she passed away before thay manage to. Kalau dah tak berjodoh. It's been some time since she died. And in her last letter, she told him to get married and forget her.

He intend to but the memories of her is hard to erase. Not anyone can replace her. Even the person who is standing in from of him is taken. And she is happily married. "Amir ! Dah sampai." He was interrupted from thoughts. "Oh yeah thanks. Datang tau !" He said as he leave Diana.

Diana went through the invitation card. It reminds her of the preparation for her marriage too. Before the wedding, she suddenly grew anxious and was unsure to continue with the marriage. Could it be that she's doing something wrong ?

Deep inside she knew what she did wrong eventhough she denies it. She said yes to the marriage to have her revenge on Ifkar. Because she wants to hurt him and nothing hurts him more than having his own wife treating him poorly. She swear to make their wedding a living hell for him.

It was her mother who noticed her behaviour. Her mother took her hand and look at her in the eyes. Then she told her that she thinks Ifkar really do loves her and has done so much to prove it. She told Diana to forgive him and to accept him. Diana said nothing but in her heart, she was convinced and no longer feel afraid to marry Ifkar.

Funny how one decision change your life forever. If her mother did not say that, perhaps she would still have cold feet and ran away that night. Because she was so afraid and confused. But the wedding is on and here they are now, waiting for their child to come in 34 weeks.

During her ward round that morning, her colleagues gave her special attention and demand to be told immediately if she felt uneasy. She laughed them off telling them it was normal and it's not her first time fainting at work.

"Maaf mengganggu ye puan. Puan ada rasa lebih baik hari ni ?" Diana menyapa pesakit yang kelihatan jauh lebih muda itu. "Okay doktor." Ujar pesakit yang baru sahaja pulang dari tandas itu. Sewaktu Diana datang, dia sedang membetulkan pakaian pesakitnya yang sedikit terselak.

"Ada muntah muntah lagi ke ?" Diana bertanya. Puan Alia hanya menggeleng. "Takde ? Okay. Pening pening ?" Dia menggeleng lagi. "Okay kalau macam tu kita teruskan dulu masukkan air. Nanti kita check darah kalau perlu transfuse." Diana memeriksa capillary refilling time. Less than 2 seconds. Perfusion vitals okay. "Ada apa apa masalah ?" Diana bersedia untuk beralih ke pesakit katil sebelah. Alia menggeleng lagi.

Diana hanya mengangguk. Puan Alia hanya berusia 20 tahun dan ini kandungan pertama beliau. P1G0. Tetapi beliau mengalami masalah morning sickness yang teruk sehingga muntah darah dan perlu dimasukkan ke hospital. Melihat keadaan beliau yang masih lemah, Diana berkira kira mahu merujuk case berkenaan kepada HOD Datin Yasmin.

"Geetha, order FBC and GXM sekali. I takut dia ada anemia secondary to Mallory Weis tear lah." Diana memaklumkan doktor pelatih itu sebelum mereka meneruskan round. Pesakit seterusnya datang kerana sudah pecah ketuban. Diana memeriksa bukaan rahim dan mendapati sudah mencapai 5cm. Tergopoh gapah mereka menghantar patient ke labour room.

Dalam beberapa jam, bukaan rahim akan mencapai 10cm dan pesakit boleh meneran namun kadangkala durasi antara satu pesakit dan pesakit yang lain berbeza. Ada pesakit yng dimudahkan Allah untuk bersalin tidak lama menunggu sehingga bukaan rahim penuh. Dan ada yang hanya meneran sekali untuk melahirkan.

Diana mengusap perutnya yang masih rata. Tidak ada langsung tanda tanda bahawa ada nyawa yang sedang membesar dalam rahimnya. Namun dari segi emosi, Diana dapat merasakan kehadiran seorang insan yang baru dalam dirinya. Yang memohon untuk disayangi sepenuh hati.

"Hei." Eh Dr Amir. "Dah habis kerja?" Dia bertanya sekadar berbasa basi. Diana mengangguk. Dia sudah menyiapkan entry dan selesai memeriksa treatment plan yang diarahkannya sewaktu round tadi. Tiada kesilapan. "I datang nak review Fadilah Mohd." Amir memaklumkan.

"Oh bed 28. Kenapa nephro review ?" Diana kehairanan.

"Previously ada flank hemturia. Still under investigation. Dapat tahu pregnant masa follow up tu lah. Hematuria resolved. Ultrasound KUB reveals nothing. If she's no longer hematuric, we're considering to discharge her from nephro and let obs take over."

"Oh okay then." Diana hanya mengangguk. "Teman I. Chaperone." Dr Amir meminta bantuan Diana. Sekiranya pesakit lelaki sudah pasti tiada masalah untuk dia memeriksa sendirian.

Bagi pesakit perempuan lain pula ceritanya. Dia perlu ditemani jururawat atau doktor perempuan bagi mengelakkan masalah ataupun dituduh berkelakuan tidak sopan. Maklumlah, jika hendak memeriksa sudah pasti perlu di expose untuk diperiksa.

Diana hanya membontoti langkah Dr Amir ke katil 28.

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