stitch 5: The Truth

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"Why are you crying?" I said.

"I heard them...and I was scared..." He sniffled.

"It's 4 am for gods sakes, who did you hear?" I asked, cupping his face.

"Politicians. They knew you were adopted. And they told me you have no right to rule two systems. That you don't have the right to be a princess and a smuggler whose riches was taken away by my father ages ago was back and found me." he stated

My heart sank. "W-were...they going to take you and me away?"

He sighed and nodded. "If it comes to it. But for you,they still don't have any proof since the queen adopted you as a newborn while theyre at yandar."

I collapsed in his arms. ."I don't want to go... I don't want to leave my family..."

"Let's stick together." He replied, his long fingers stroking my brown hair.

Days passed and I was just on Ben's side. I heard the news that Poe was sent to Han for a mission in Anoat. I was still guilty.

Ben had these night terrors, so I just stayed with him every night.
I was there every night Ben woke up with his night terrors.
And that night, He had one.

"" he groaned. I put down my book and walked up to his bed and touched his face.

"Hey...hey... I am here..Ben.. wake up" I whispered.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!" He yelled and eventually woke up.

" were having night terrors again..." I reached him a glass of water and wiped those dripping sweat from his forehead.

"I did?" He drank and put it down on his bedside.

"Was it bad?" I asked.

He sighed. "Its the same. It was someone whispering to me, Long live the first order. I dont know what it means...Knights of Ren, he told me that I must lead them...I dont have any clue what are those. And there are more.. i just...dont remember them..."

I touched his shoulder, "I am sure it will come back to you."

He leaned in.I was frozen. I couldnt move.
The next thing I know is he brought his lips to mine and kissed me as passionate as he could. I accepted the kiss. I was kissing back and caressing his beautiful, curly hair.
The kiss was chaste and long but full of longing

He laid me down and I wrapped my arms around him while kissing each other.

I couldnt believe whats happening.
This was it. This was my dream. This is what I want to happen. But I hurt someone so cant totally be happy about it.
But I love Ben. And I am so sorry to hurt Poe. It was over my head.
Poe will meet another girl who deserves him. I dont deserve Poe. He is too good for me.
I despise myself.

Still, I cant believe whats happening.
Is it just a dream? A delusion? Or am I crazy?

No no...this was all real.

I cannot tell dreams from the truth anymore.

I was kissing my first love. I was finally kissing Ben Solo. It was so unreal  that I couldnt even believe it was happening.

We pulled away,gasping for air. There was a long pause.

"Thank you for everything Cloud...thank you... youre the only one that keeps me sane..."

"I cannot understand what is happening, Ben.." i stated.

He fiddled with my hair, smiling. "I've been wanting to do that ever since... I love you Cloud. I love you."

My face formed a smile. It cant be real. "Its impossible... this is a dream isnt it?"

"No Cloud, its real." He turned to me and kissed my temple. "Cloud. Be my girlfriend please?"

"I cannot discard that." My mouth formed a smiled and sighed. "No one should know our relationship. We are forbidden."

"Let's run away Cloud..." He said. "Away from all of this. Away from all troubles. We could go to Geonosis, Kamino, Kashyyk, or Jakku. Everywhere! We can do it."

"But your training as a Jedi...our training as a Jedi...and I am a princess" i said.

"I totally forgot about that. Master Luke would be so infuriated if he knew that I'm sleeping with his daughter." He giggled. "Plus, its against our code."

"Mom and Dad are both Jedi. I am the product." I reminded him.

"Really? But we still dont know if Master Luke would let that code" He said.

I nodded. "Yes, she is a Jedi Master. She is the one who built the first academy in Yandar. Then next here."

"Thats sure you will do great things too..." he said, brushing my hair.

I shook my head. It hit me. No. I wont do great things like mom. I am a failure. "No...that's impossible."

"Its not impossible." He planted a kiss on my forehead. "I sometimes think that you know, we are just regular teens? That we just met, then started off as friends and fell in love? Not these complicated little shits..."

"Come on, its not that bad..." I said,wrapping my arms around his waist. "You have me and I have you. Everything will be alright."

"Promise me that you wont leave me like my parents did" he said.

"What are you worrying about? Its us against the world" I said.

"So we keep our relationship behind closed doors?" He said.

"Yeah...I guess... we might get expelled from the Jedi council."

He just flashed an understanding smile "What about you and Poe? Are you two a thing?"

"Were just good friends..." I replied.

"I envy him you know... He get to kiss you, he gets to hug you, he gets to be with you." He said.

"Well you already did now." I smiled. "I'll be here Ben... I trust you with your choices. I love you"

Sorry this wasnt full of feeels

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