stitch 19: Light in you

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"What's that momma?" A girl asked her mother,while she stare at that small red light at the sky that is getting bigger and nearer them.

" child..." she held her tight, her tears flushing down "It''s..."

"Momma, don't cry." The girl assured.

Her mother cupped her face and planted a small kiss on her temple. "Always remember that I love you okay?"

"I love you too, momma." The girl replied, the big red light is much more nearer than before.

"I love you more"

And then in a blink of an eye, they were gone. All of it. It was just like that.

I sat up, catching my breath and my face covered in beads of sweat. I started to cry.
It was those people from the systems that the first order blew up.
I never knew Ben was capable of doing things.
Little by little, my affection for him is decreasing.

"W-what..." I touched the bed and it wasn't cold anymore. It was silky and warm. I looked around and it was dark, I knew I wasn't in my cell anymore. I was in a bed room. The bed was velvet and silky.


A familiar voice spoke.

It was him.

"B-ben? I here?" I asked, looking around. It was dark so I couldn't see anyone.

"It's not my name anymore." He said, sternly.

"O-okay...Kylo...Kylo ren...why am I here?" I asked, once again, turning on the lampshade.

"I brought you here. Isn't it obvious?" He replied, stepping out of the dark. His muscular body is emphasized by the light. He was only wearing his black pants. Nothing else.

"Why...why did you brought me here? Are you here to probe into my mind again?" I said, raising a brow.

"You're having nightmares again." He said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

I replied a sigh and cupped my face.

"Don't worry. I get them too." He replied.

I looked up to him, he's still having those bad dreams. I wonder who is there to comfort him.

"Cloud, join me. Please,together we can rule the galaxy. We can be powerful" he said,leaning closer to me.

I touched his cold,stoic face. "Ben, I love you. But I am sorry I can't jo-"

"Is it because of Poe again?" His gaze never leaving mine.

"No. It's because it's not right! It is wrong" I yelled.

"Is it? Or is it because of Anais?"

My eyes widened at the sound of my—no, our daughter's name. He knows her. And now, he'll take her.

"She is very force sensitive, I can train her to be my padawan. Since she is very young" he said, a playful smirk playing in the corner of his lips.

"Is it why you brought me here?" I asked and got off his bed. "You cant take my daughter from me."

"Our daughter." He corrected and grabbed my wrist

"No." I said "You cant take her away from me"

I loosened Ben's tight grip on my wrist and walked towards the door.

"YOU ARE NOT LEAVING!!!" He shouted, his deep voice booming in the whole room.

I stopped but then I felt his big arms wrapped around me. "D-don't leave...again..."

"I didn't Ben, you did." I let go of his embrace and as I was about to turn the knob, he carried me back to the bed, pinning me down.

"You will find that droid in Jakku and bring our daughter to me. And you will join the first order.
" He ordered.

"No." I said, on the verge of tears. "She's happy where she is."

He loosened his grip on my arms as I exchanged it for a tight hug. I knew he wants to be with Anais, but it's just not the right time. Not until he comes back home. It's just way too dangerous.

"I told you to come home, didn't I?" I touched Ben's face while he is above me.

His eyes boring at mine and it wasn't long enough when Ben brought his lips to mine and kissed me roughly. His lips cold and chapped, his kiss full of longing.

I did kiss back. I was afraid—afraid of him. Afraid that he might take Anais, Afraid that he might kill much more people and I don't have anything to stop him. Afraid that the first order might destroy other systems and the resistance was taken control by snoke too. I only felt nothing but fear. It felt wrong kissing him. But the desire of dominating the light inside him was strong. It was so strong It weakened me, making me so vulnerable as his hands roams on my body. So wrong but it felt so fucking right.

Ben and I pulled away, gasping for air.

"Don't be afraid..." he whispered.

" I am not afraid. I am not afraid to die either, I was dying everyday ever since you came into my life." I replied, mustering a small smile because I can feel that I am one step ahead in bringing him home

He looked into my eyes and his bright expression suddenly dimmed.

"Ben?" I call out to him as he stood up.

"Do not call me that. He is dead." He said.

"Stop all this madness. Please.Is it that much to ask Ben? " I said, sitting on the edge.

"Y-Yes. Its too much." He murmured as he left the room

I knew I was near. I can tell he felt the light in him when we kissed. He is still my Ben. And he will come back.

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