stitch 18: Different person. same feeling.

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I was held prisoner again. I was again restrained in the interrogation room. But this time, I was both calm and scared. Because it was Ben.

"Cloud Skywalker, the commander general of the resistance..." His distorted voice said.

"Ben..." I muttered

"NO! THAT IS NOT MY NAME ANYMORE!" He yelled, his distorted voice breaking. "You have your father's map...give it to me..."

"I dont have it..." I replied.

"Then where is it?" He said, breaking into my mind.
I tried to think of anything else. And tried to take Lolly out of my mind.

"I dont know..." I said, resisting. My head aching. It felt like my nerves would burst out

"STOP!!" I screamed.

"You are scared...dont be afraid, I feel it too."  He said. "Its in a BB unit in jakku."

"I dont know. Ben, please...take that silly mask off and go home. We miss you." I said. "Please, I want to see your face."

"No one ever did." He took off his mask, it revealed his ever so pale skin.

"Ben...let me go... please. I wont hurt you...Ben..." I pleaded.

His face retorted "you lied once to me,Cloud. I wont never let that happen again."

"Probe into my mind and fucking tell me to my face that my love for you was a lie" I told him.

"It was a lie. All of it" His gaze moved away from mine.
I knew he probed into my mind, i knew he saw my love for him, my endless love for him. But still he resisted, the power of the darkness was overpowering him. But I can still sense the light in him.

"How did you even know that was a lie?" I asked him.

"The supreme leader told me. He is wise and smart." He said.

"He is only using you Ben! Youre his toy! His amusement!"

"I told you I am not Ben! Ben is dead. I killed him. He was foolish and stupid." He said.

"No, Ben is not stupid nor foolish. Kylo ren is. Ben is kind, loving and caring. He is strong and brave. And he loves me. And I love him." I used the force to undo my restraints. Even I was surprised of it.

I walked towards him. His face still stoic and his body not moving. "How did you-"

"Please, Ben...come home...we miss you." I said.

I long to touch his face. I long to embrace him. I long to kiss him. To kiss that cherry red plump lips.
I long to be with the man I love the most. Even though his soul was corrupted.
But I cant and he wont let me. I still want to believe that its still him,Ben.

"I told you, I am not Ben-"

He stopped when I touched his skin, it was ice cold and hard. "I still love you Ben...I still do. I never stopped loving you."

I pressed my warm lips to his cold, chapped lips. It was chaste. Like the way we kissed for the first time.

He gave in, the call of the light it was dominant now.

"No..." He pulled away. "If you do love me, join me. I, Kylo Ren will guide you.You and I can rule everything. Nothing will stand in our way."

"No! I won't turn dark like you. Look, If youre not Ben...please...just let me be with the body of the man I loved the most." I begged, desperately. "Lets go back home, there are much more family waiting for you back there."

He moved away "youre trying to trick me.If you arent going to join me" His face retorting "You are ordered not to leave starkiller base. You are held prisoner here. You belong to the first order now. You are not allowed to leave starkiller base. Never."

Days, days passed and still I am stranded here. I am held prisoner. Strangely, I was allowed to go around starkiller base and was given enough food for a day. It was quite nice. But it was cold, very much. I miss my daughter, I miss aunt Leia and the others--I miss Poe. But I am too shy to tell him I want to go home. But I wont go home. Not until I bring him home.
A part of me believes he's gone. But a big part of me still believes that he is still Ben Solo. That he is still that dorky boy from naboo.

I slept in this small, cold metal bed. Where everynight I experience excruciating pain in my head, like someone was trying to probe inside, like someone trying to brainwash me. Trying to plant mantras in my head. I knew it was him.
Trying to turn me into his apprentice.

"Rebel scum. You are needed to see this last full show." A stormtrooper said behind me.

"What?" I was shocked when two of them grabbed my arms and dragged me to their control shafts where they are about to shoot nearby systems

"W-why are you...WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!?" I shouted in agony.

I looked around their computers and I stood there watching those big, giant lasers destroy everything in its path.

"Where is Kylo Ren!? Where is he?!" I yelled

"Shut up, you." The stormtrooper said.

I felt a great disturbance in the force, I felt death. So much death.Billion voices crying out in pain. And it made me weak and vulnerable.
I failed, being the last Jedi alive helping the resistance, I failed.

"Blast Yavin 4." A voice appearing behind me, It was him, Kylo Ren.

"Well what a nice way to treat your visitor here." I scoffed.

"I told you your consequences of not joining me. And this is one of them." He replied.

"Why? They are innocent! They dont have anything to do with me! Why them?!" I said.

"Exactly, they dont have anything to do with you." He said. "Take her to her cell."

The stormtroopers once again dragged me to my cell. I was worried because Anais haven't talked to me in a little while.
I was worried about her. I was worried about me either.

I just hope I can fully change his mind. Scratch that.
Nothing would ever turn him back. Not even me.

Star Crossed// Poe&Kylo X Reader ☑️ EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now