stitch 24: The war

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i know y'all thought im dead but im not dead! im here bc one reader inspires me to continue this trashy book ilysm!

"We shouldn't be wasting time." I muttered as I quickly packed up the things we needed for the war. Dylmas said that their next stop was ileenium because they found Ben's escape pod there and we needed to be there immediately. He told me that they attacked Anoat and Jakku because there were remains of his escape pod there. I don't want to see my people injured and dead. I will put a stop to this.

"What's the hurry, mommy?" Ani wondered as she grabbed her lightsaber.

"We need to get back to ileenium immediately." I replied as I finished packing.

"Where's your father?" She just shrugged. "Go get him, quickly Ani!"

Ani came to me running to the ship with Ben who was so pale as peach.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, cupping his face.

"I'm afraid..." He muttered.

I tiptoed and planted a kiss on his lips "There's no reason for that, you're Kylo Ren. You are far by the most powerful Jedi in the whole universe."

"I was Kylo Ren...and I'm back to being Ben, the weak one"

"Hey..hey...look at me." I smiled. "You are still that powerful knight of ren I encountered months ago. It's still you. the only difference is you're not evil anymore. We're going to put an end to this, okay? So we can live in peace. Alright? We'll survive this. We got an army. We're powerful Jedi's."

He nodded and mustered up a smile "you're right... We got this."

"Mom, dad, sit down. We're taking off" she said and we felt like the ship jump to space

"W-what!? She knows how to fly a ship?!" Ben exclaimed.

"She's 9 years old, she's capable of doing that." I said and went over to Ani and sat beside her.

"Prepare to jump into lightspeed." I said and turned on the buttons. "Ben, strap yourself."

"Hold on daddy, it's gonna get bumpy." She winked at him.

"You sure you know you're doing, child?" He asked.

"Of course! I was trained by uncle Poe ever since I was 4." She said.

We arrived at the ileenium system and for some reasons their security is becoming a bit strict. And we got trouble landing and was asked to identify ourselves.

"This is the Circassian Neptunus requesting permission to land." Anais said.

"Who are aboard?" A man replied.

"Commander general Skywalker, Ben Solo and me, the cutest pilot  than old Poe Dameron, Anais." She chuckled.

"Shuck you, Ani. Shuck you. I'm much more cuter you know. Come on down here! You punk."

"Uncle Poe!" She chuckled and looked at me.

"You are permitted to land, missy." He said and Ani landed on hangar 4.

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