stitch 20: Downfall

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3rd person POV

"Inform Captain Phasma to take half of the troops to Jakku." General Hux ordered to the stormtrooper. "And inform the others to take care of Ren's girl. Find her and bring her to me.If she does fight back, tell her that we found the resistance base and we are going to blow up the system. Supreme Leader doesnt want alive rebel scums around here"

"Yes, sir." The stormtrooper answered.

Cloud hid behind a post when she overheard this conversation. An hour earlier, she was just observing around the base. And now she was going to be assassinated.

She ran and stayed hidden in the base. Just hoping no one would ever find her until she gets to the docking bay and escape with those TIE fighters.

Honestly, she could do that everytime when she was free in the starkiller base, but one mission was too important to abandon: turning Kylo Ren back into the light.

She was scared, she was afraid of being killed without bringing Ben home. She was afraid for her people. She was
She hid inside a dysfunctional transporter near the docking bay and hoped for the best. She waited until the stormtroopers were only three or two to make her escape.

To be honest, she really didn't want to leave. She liked it there. Even though the people there were evil and mean. She liked it there because there was a person whose presence overwhelms her.
And she needs him.

"Negative, negative. There was no sign of her here." The stormtrooper said and headed out to the west wing.

Unarmed,she quickly got off the stuffy transport and ran, looking back and forth to make sure there was no one to bump with in her way—but she was wrong.

"Well, that was easy." A girl said. "Hey Finn, is this her?"

She was confused. "W-who the hell are you?" She readied herself for attack.

"Yes! Great job Rey!" A black young boy said appearing in the doorframe "You're Cloud Skywalker, am I right?"

"Yes, and who are you?" She answered.

"I am Finn, and I was the stormtrooper you knocked out weeks ago. Damn, I was just trying to help you escape with me." He said

"Still holding a grudge on that, eh?" A familliar voice said behind her, followed by a roar of a wookiee.

"Uncle Han?! Chewie!?" She turned around and quickly embraced them."Why have you come here? Its dangerous. But whatever that is I am so glad that youre here."

"Isn't it obvious? We're here to rescue you." He said.

"How did you know I was here?" She asked, pulling out from the hug.

"Your daughter, Anais. She told me where you are.." He said

"Let's get out of here." Finn said as he saw some stormtroopers running at them.
They ran to the hallways of starkiller base to get to the exit. Little did Cloud know, Kylo Ren was there watching her run and escape with the man that used to be his father.

"Cloud..." His distorted voice muttered the name of the woman he love the most and leaving him alone again.
His mask hid the tears that fell through his eyes. He didn't want her to leave. He didn't want to be alone again.

"They need us." Han muttered as they saw the X-wings trying to blast the starkiller base.

"What!? We're going back!?" Finn yelled.

"Go on, kid!" He replied.

Cloud was given bombs by chewie so they could both plant it around the starkiller base. They headed to the main reactor of the base and planted more.

"I saw him, Cloud." Han said, looking up to her.

"Me too, I can feel the call of the light in him." He replied. "I'll bring him home."

"I just wish I can witness the both of you get married." He smiled and squeezed her shoulder.

"You will, soon."

"If I did, that would be the best day of my life." He chuckled.

"We'll bring Ben home...I believe there's still light in him" She said.

"I do, too."

After they're finished and about to walk outside the cold starkiller base, they saw him—Ben walking to that bridge after he ordered the stormtroopers.

Han took the chance and walked to him. Cloud quickly grabbed his arm.

"What are you doing!?" She whispered.

"Bringing Ben home." He lets go of Cloud's hand and walked to him.

"BEN!" His loud, deep voice boomed.

The infamous Kylo Ren turned. His glare visible through his mask. "Han Solo..."

Han walked towards him. His desire of bringing home his son fueled him. The loud banging of the bridge and Han's voice were the only audible sound there.

Cloud was crouching next to the bomb. She wants to interfere but she can't.

"Ben, Take off that mask and come home." Han said

"Why would I do that?" His robotic distorted voice muttered.

"I want to see my son's face." He said.

He clicked a button on his mask and detached it. His face stoic and cold.

"Ben, we miss you. Come home." Han pleaded.

"Your son is dead. I killied him. Because he is weak and foolish like his father." He said, proudly.

"Its just snoke is playing with your head! He's just using you." Han raised his voice.

"No, the supreme leader is wise." He talked back.

"Come home, Ben. Your mother worries about you. We both are. I am sure you're aware that you have a child—Anais, she wants to meet you. She needs a father on her side. Don't let my granddaughter grow up without a father." Han scolded.

"I will take her, along with Cloud. And we are going to rule the galaxy." He said, his face still stoic.

"Cloud wouldn't want this, Your daughter is kind. She needs you. Cloud needs you. We need you." Han pleaded once again.

Suddenly,Kylo's face softened. "I'm being torn apart..." He said dropping the helmet on the cold hard ground.

For a minute, Han saw his son's real face. He was certain he could bring him home. "Let's go home..."

Kylo Ren pulled out his lightsaber and held it out to his father. Han grab hold of it but Kylo ren wouldn't budge. The conflict between light and dark was taking over Kylo's head.

He suddenly ignited his lightsaber and plunged it through his father. The red blade that had taken his life was now in the hands of the man that Cloud loved. Not anymore.

Han's hand touched Ben's face one more time. Just to feel his cold skin, just to feel his son's skin before he closed his eyes and fell into the oblivion.

"No!!" Cloud yelled, her face red and her eyes full of tears.

Kylo ren recognized her startled cry. "C-cloud..."

"What did you do!?" Her face scorched in fury as she walk towards him. "How could you!?"
Chewie blasted him. Only injuring his waist.

He didn't replied, but his face still stoic and proud of what he's done.

Cloud's hot tears strolled down her face. "Yes! You are right! You are not Ben anymore, you arent the same boy I loved years ago. I dont know you anymore. You are an animal, a beast! You are not Ben. And never you will be."

Her eyes darkened, boring hard into his as she uttered the words that would shatter his heart.

"I hate you, Kylo ren"



HIIII So how's this chapter? I think its the most well written among all chapters of this story hahahaha tbh.

I hope you liked this!

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