Fights and Unknown dark places

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“Amber! Amber!”

I slammed locker 2041 shut and looked left and right, searching for my best friend. Finally, my eyes found my 5’3 black haired best friend running towards me out of breath.

“What’s up, girl?” I asked her, shoving my Geometry book into my backpack. 10th grade really sucked when it came to math books.

“They’re at it again! Behind the softball field. You’d better come quick!” Ally slowed down long enough to deliver the bad news before running to get, who I guessed, our other bestfriend, Sam. I sighed, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. I was gonna miss lunch. Honestly.

I walked down past the C wing and out D wing’s door. I swiftly walked around our large school and to the field. I didn’t have the best eye sight, but the massive crowd was hard to miss. I broke into a job and prayed it wasn’t that bad.

“Excuse me! Pardon me. No, I don’t care you were standing there. Out of my way!” I rudely pushed past the teenagers to get to the middle of the crowd; I ignored the cuss words being thrown at me. In the middle, were two boys throwing violent punches at each other. Sadly, one of the boys was my brother. Two of their friends were trying to pull them apart, but not succeeding.

“Liam James Payne! Get off of him now!” I yelled at my brother, throwing my backpack down. I didn’t really care that like half of the school was watching me. I kinda preferred to stay in the shadows but not when it came to fights.

“No!” Liam yelled back and yanked his arm from his best friend, Harry. Liam lunged forward and punched Niall Horan so hard, I was sure he broke his jaw. And even if he did, it didn’t stop Niall from slugging him back. Ally, my best friend and Liam’s girlfriend, made herself visible and gasped at the scene. Not matter how bad the fight is, she still gasps as the blood.

“Liam, you stop it right now!” Ally tried to pull him back, but Liam and Niall were too mad at each other for some reason. I rolled my eyes at Niall when he caught my eye. I knew what he wanted me to do.

“Niall come here.” I crossed my arms over my chest and braced myself. I expected him to get up “because of me” but he didn’t.

“Niall!” I yelled again. I gritted my teeth and charged the boys.

“No, Amber!” Louis Tomlinson reached out and tried to grab me but I brushed his hand off my shoulder.

“Niall, Liam, stop it.” I tried to make my voice as causal as possible, but last time, I approached Niall fighting, I broke my finger. I put my hands on Niall’s shoulders and tried pulling him back away from my brother.

“Get off of me, Amber!” Niall’s elbow jabbed me in my side, causing me to fall to my knees and receive a second elbow blow. This time, Niall hit my face.

“That’s it.” I growled. I turned Niall’s face to me and slapped him hard across his face. His blue orbs widened in shock. Mine eyes did too. I was sure Niall would pull me into Liam and his fight, but a sheer whistle caused the crowd to run away and the two boys to scramble away from each other.

“Liam Payne! Niall Horan!” We turned and found grumpy coach Bowden approaching us.

“I promise I was not a part of this!” I jumbled to my feet, brushing off the February ground off my knees.

“I believe it. But Liam, Niall, I am very disappointed in you two.” Bowden looked around, noticing the crowd was sticking around for the scolding. “Get out of here!” He scared away the crowd with his massive, deep voice. Once they left, he seemed satisfied enough with Liam, his girlfriend, Niall, Zayn, Harry, Louis and I.

“Can anyone tell me how this got started?” Liam wiped his mouth and half raised his hand. Coach Bowden shook his head and looked around at the people who weren’t in the fight. His gaze landed on me. I lifted my hands and shook my head.

“I dunno. Ally came running to me before lunch telling me they were at it again. So I ran out here and found them like this. I tried yelling at them then I moved closer to Niall to physically move him away, but then his jabbed my ribs, sending me to my knees and then he hit my jaw.”

“It was something silly, Coach. Just a little thing that made them mad.” Zayn said.

He backed away. Last time it was ‘something silly’, Coach Bowden almost threw up. Don’t ask me why.

“You guys work it out. I swear, I will give you two detention for the rest of the year if you throw any more punches. Once you have it worked out, come to my office. I can’t let it get away with it, even though I want to.” He shook his head, and took off jogging back to the school.

“What was it this time?” I glared at Niall and tapped my foot. I wasn’t playing any games.

“Never mind, sweetie.” He said.

“Don't. Call. Me. That.” I snarled at him. He shrugged.

“Niall said last night you..,” Liam paused, either for dramatic effect or because it pained him to finish. “Were good.” I let my mouth drop open before turning to look at Niall. He grinned devilishly at me.

“You wish, you idiot.” I rolled my eyes at Niall and took Ally’s hand. I pulled her away from the scene but she didn’t want to leave.

“You okay, boo?” Ally dabbed Liam’s cheek with a baby wipe.

“I’m fine. Let’s go to lunch.” Liam shot Niall a dirty look then smiled at me. I returned his smile but it diminished when I looked back to Niall.

“Come here baby.” Niall put his arm around me and I shuddered. Niall liked me like crazy. And everyone knew that I hated him with everything inside of me. Or well, actually, I don’t think he likes me, I think he acts the way he does because I hate him so much. Anyways, Liam, Niall, Louis, Zayn and Harry are best friends. Ally is dating Liam, my brother and our other bestfriend, Sam, is dating Zayn. Don’t ask me why Liam and Niall fight like that and are still best friends, they just are. I tightened my jaw as Niall picked up our backpacks with one hand and with ease. I looked at his arm and saw his muscles flexing. Wow. That was really impressive.

“You like that, huh?” Niall grinned devilishly at me. I shook my head and told him to bench more. We all walked into the commons, receiving lots of looks.

“Come with me.” Niall hissed in my ear. I knew better than to argue with him. Whenever I did, he gave me a “punishment.” Last time he made out with Sam. Not okay. I handed my neon pink Vans backpack to Ally and gave her an apologetic look. I gulped as Niall tightened his grip around my shoulders. He led me to the back of the school, where no one was. Everyone was either at lunch or in class. He covered my eyes and shoved me into the unknown.

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