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I listened for footsteps on the stairs but didn’t hear them. I guessed he was downstairs with Liam.

I found a white iPhone with colorful Aztec cover on it fully charged on my bed table. I clicked it and stuck in my headphones. I scrolled down the list of my music, not recognizing any singers. I memorized the album picture for boyband 5 Seconds of Summer. I looked around my room and indeed, two posters of them were hanging on my wall.  I clicked on a song and immediately liked it.

Should I? Or shouldn’t I? I could. I so could and it’d be great. Why shouldn’t I? Niall and I are amazing together. Even if I lost all memory of him up till yesterday morning. But what do I know about him? He loves me. He cares for me. He stayed at the hospital for 3 nights I was there for. And he was prepared to stay the 4th. Niall listens to me. He knows everything about me. He was so sweet. He was cute. And especially, he loves me. Not in the ways when guys say it to get what they want, but real love. I could see it in his eyes. I should, shouldn’t I? What do I want to do?

I changed the song, trying another 5 Seconds of Summer Song.

“Let’s be unpredictable!” 4 deep voices filled my ears. Of course I should. Niall and I need to be unpredictable.

“Hey we’re taking on the world! I’ll take you where you wanna go. Pick you up if you fall to pieces. Let me be the one to save you. Break the plans we had before, let’s be unpredictable! Pick you up if you fall to pieces, let me be the one to save you.”

That’s it. Niall and I were running away.

Just before I could get up out of bed to pack, Niall came into my bedroom. I looked at my phone and saw that an hour had gone by. Was he too exited to hear my answer?  I quickly sat up and yanked my headphones out.

“I love you much Amber!” Niall came rushing to my bed and tackled me and started kissing me like crazy.

“Niall. –kiss- We should –kiss- go now. –kiss-” I tried to speak between our kisses.

“Come with me. I have to show you something first. Pull on your running shoes though.” Confused, I searched my messy floor and found some bright Nikes. I put on some socks, dirty or not, and tied my shoes quickly. Niall kept looking out my window like he was expecting someone to come down the window well. Niall opened it, took out the screen and held out his hand for me to grab.

“Wait!” I took my phone, and typed into it.

“Sorry, Niall and I decided to be unpredictable! Love and you and don’t worry, we’ll be safe.” I giggled and removed my password for the boys to find it.

“I love that song.” Niall grinned and hoisted me up onto my window seat.

“You sure?”

“Yeah.” Niall grinned wider than I’d ever seen. Which is saying too much, but whatever. I stepped out of my window and pushed myself up onto the ground. Niall was right behind me. We ran to the back yard fence and escaped. Niall was gazing at the large full moon for a second before taking off. I looked at him with butterflies floating around my stomach. I love Niall so much!  In the moon light, he looked amazing. His dark hair tousled like he was rolling in bed. He had on skinny Adias sweats and a blue zip-up sweatshirt. He was wearing running shoes too.

“Let’s go! I need to show you something somewhere.” Niall took my hand and we took off running fast. We dodged cars parked on the side of the road as we began to race down a hill.

“Niall!” I giggled as we sprinted down the steep hill, hand in hand.

“Amber!” He laughed back. We were having so much fun together. The moon lit up just enough too see the ground we were running on.

Suddenly, the mood changed. Despite the street lights and moon, I ran straight into a large RV. The impact vibrated throughout my body. I yanked Niall back without meaning to. I was falling. In slow motion, Niall screamed my name. I almost stepped on a cat. I lost my balance. Images of the past 4 ½ years flooded back to me. My head smacked the curb with such force, I could feel my brain cells rattle around. My head fell to the street, adding more pain. And then…

I woke up.

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