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(Wow, the tenth one, James. Are you proud of me?)

As a child, I had always loved making wishes on those dandelion things.

Then, in Grade Four, we were sitting on that hill together, watching the other kids play soccer. I was pulling dandelions out of the ground, making the same wish over and over again.

"Kathleen, what are you wishing for?" I froze, because I was wishing for you. I was wishing for you to notice me.

I swallowed before replying, "I don't know, really. Kinda hard to explain."

"Ugh, you're boring. I'm gonna go play soccer." I nodded as you jogged towards the other kids.

I watched as the ball was kicked under your feet, causing you to trip and fall. You lied on the ground for a while, holding your leg before I sprinted over to you.

"What's wrong James?!" I yelled.

"My ankle!" You cried. I helped you up and let you lean onto me as we slowly made our way back home, dandelions still stuffed in my pocket.

When I got home, making wishes didn't seem so appealing anymore.

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