Giving your life to Christ

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Praying the sinner's prayer is the easy part, but actually living the way God wants you to live is the hard part.

The devil will stop at nothing to get you to abandon Christ, but what I want to tell you is that you should be strong.

The road is simple, but it's not easy. Sometimes you feel rejected by the world. You may feel like a freak or a goody two shoes. I mean, everyone out there is drinking, partying and smoking. Those people may be 'living the good life' but is all that worth it? Is it worth giving Christ up for?

Did these 'cool kids' die for you on the cross?

Do they love you Iregardless of the numerous mistakes you make? Do they protect you from evil and do they heal you?

Jesus did and still does all these things for us. He loves us unconditionally. He cares about each and everyone of us. We are his masterpiece. His perfect creation.

John 3:16 says; for God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that whosoever believes in him shall not parish but he shall have everlasting life.

This clearly tells us that God loves us a lot and so does Jesus.

He could have said no, he could have summoned a host of angels to get him off the cross before he died. But because of his unconditional love for you and for me, he took the pain for us. He took the penalty that was supposed to be ours.

If you want to start this journey as a Christian, pray this prayer.

Lord Jesus, I need you I my life. I know I am a sinner and that I have done so many wrong things in my life.

I pray that you forgive me oh Lord and help me to turn away from my sinful ways.

Father God in heaven, I give you my life. Take it Lord, for I belong to you now. I pray that you will be with me as I walk in this remarkable journey as your child. Amen.

Congratulations! You are a child of God now

Hello guys, I'm atee27. If you need any help in any issue, just pm me and we'll talk about it. I know some of the things that you are going through, as I have been a chief of sinners before. Don't hesitate to ask for help.

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