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As teenagers we face various changes, such as our bodies etc. But as we change, our perspective start changing as well.

Take that boy you walk home with from school. You never felt anything towards him before, but now your hands get sweaty, you have butterflies in your stomach and you become a bit nervous around him. You have developed feeling for that boy. But that's fine. Everybody feels that way at one point of their lives.

But the thing you need to keep in mind is this; is the way you're going about it right?

God clearly says that sex before marriage is wrong.

You may be looking at me and calling me a loser for being a virgin at 15, but it is what is.

It seems like sex before marriage is right because everybody is doing it. I mean, in almost every TV show people are busy getting their freak on. Your friends are pressuring you to have sex. But you know what, I can't tell you what to do. It's your decision. Just remember this though, God says "don't let the ways of this world conform you"

What is wrong is wrong and what is right is right. It doesn't suddenly become right just because everyone is doing it.

"Sex is a gift from God, but we've taken it and made it idolatry.

We've taken it and put it in the place of God

And we worship it.

And so it comes out in all kinds of profane ways.

And we blame the women/men for what they're wearing

And we blame the media for what they're producing.

But we never blame ourselves for how weve twisted God's gift, to glorify us" 116Clique

Prayer points

*pray for help and guidance during this time of your life.

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