Walk away

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A lot of us have probably heard that what people say about us doesn't matter right?   That we should ignore their hateful looks and whispering whenever we are near them right? 

Most of you probably know that it's easier said than done.  But just to encourage both you and me,  remember what Jesus said.  He said that servant cannot be greater than his master.  He also said that people of this world will love its kind.

You are not of this world.  You are of God. He knew that us Christians would be hated. He knew that we would suffer some sort of injustice. But hey,  I'd rather be teased for putting a Jesus quote as my profile picture any day and know that I'm making God, the man who love me so much that he had his own son die for my sins. 

When you find yourself in a situation,  You got two options

1.) Retaliate
   Honestly speaking, I find myself guilty of this.  I am the kind of person who is always fighting. I get buĺlied for the stupidest reasons. They tease me coz I talk too much, coz I'm a foreigner and also because I'm a nerd.

What I do is not right cause the bible says love one another.  I think I should start working on that right. ..right? ?

2.) Walk away.

You get in an argument? Cool.  But don't let it get too far.  Pat  the persons shoulder and leave. I've done this before

So this chick was insulting my forever wild hair and I pat  her shoulder in a sympathetic manner and said that blessings must come upon her stone heartf  and left while she was still talking. 

Okay don't do that.  It's rude.

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