change your perspective

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Do you cuss? I know I do. Its not as much as it used to be a few years back but its still there.

What goes in your mouth does not defile you. Its not you because whether you eat a pnj sandwich or a gourmet meal, it all comes out the same way.

But the things that come out of your mouth though... they defile you because for it to come out of your mouth it was already in your heart.

*Being rude
*making threats

Etc etc are signs of a bad heart. They are the clear view of an unrighteous person and don't you dare tell me that you can't be righteous since nobody is perfect. You can and you will do it if you love God enough to stop your habits. You can if you love your God who saved you from bondage enough to start living a life that is pleasing to him.

*encouraging words
* etc etc are a sign of a good heart. You don't have to be a nun or monk who has discovered his inner peace to be able to do this.

Its simple really. When your mom or whoever lives with you makes you food, say thank you and complement the spice mix she used or something istead of complaining about the meal containing broccoli. We ain't ten anymore. I'm sure you know brocolli is very healthy.

Stop being so self centered. Other people exist too and quite frankly, you are not the hottest property on this earth. I'm sure if you were to die today, only those who loved you will come.

Don't be offended by my words cause you know they are true. I am also guilty of this once in a while.

You don't have to be the mean girl at school to be self centred. Looking down on the nerd in class or thinking that you're better than someone, even if the person is as poor as dirt is being self centered.

So what I'm trying to say is change your perspective on life. See things from a different pov. We teens tend to fight our parents a lot. I especially fight with my mom cause she goes through my phone and she assumes things instead of just asking but I realised that she does it to protect me. She wants to know whats going with my life since I'm forever locked up in my room or busy on my phone or tablet. I tell her stuff now and she stopped going through my phone.

If you see the positives in life, your heart will become positive which will affect your words and your actions as well. Your thoughts will become more positive too.

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