word of encouragement

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We all have those relapses of sin don't we? Those friends we left behind come back and tempt you. You can't help but cave in.

I know exactly how that feels. I recently left all those friends who led me away from the word of God...I'm left with ONE friend now, and she's u ssually busy. I've become a loner. It gets really lonely since I was known as the most outspoken and liveliest person around.

Now I'm a quiet person. But you know what? It's fine. I do it for Christ. I don't need my name in light and I definately don't need a starring role. Why gain the whole wide world if I'll lose my soul in the end?

No matter what happens, remember Christ. He doesn't need you, you need him. If you can't give up your life of sin for him, the person who left heaven just for you and was killed in a painful way then you better turn around and go back where you came from and think about your actions.

God is the creator of the universe. The one who blessed you and lifted you up. But apparently your so called friends are more important. Don't play games bruh.

But if you do have a sin relapse, don't give up Christ. Ask for forgiveness and repent. David sinned so many times but he asked for forgiveness. He didn't go and sin even more because he was dirty already.

This is one thing we've all got to understand. Jesus loves us. He'll never leave nor forsake us. He cares about us. If we do wrong, obvi he'll not be happy. But if u apologize...he'll forgive u.

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