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Did you know the devil reads the bible? Are you surprised? You think I'm lying don't you?

I wouldnt believe it too, but after reading Matthew 4: 1-11 I now believe it.

It's the story of the temptation of Jesus. Let me break the story down for you.

Alright, so Jesus was led up by the spirit to be tempted by the devil. This just proves to show that even Jesus was tempted and he still defeated temptation. God will never allow the devil to tempt you will somethin you can't handle. It just doesn't happen.

The devil tempted Jesus after he had fasted. Jesus must've been really hungry cause he didn't eat for 40days. Now the devil definately isn't stupid. He's crafty and will strike where it's gonna hurt most. Like here, he tempted Jesus to eat when he knew very wel that Jesus was starving.

Remember when I said Satan reads the bible? I'm about to show you now.

In Matthew 4:6 he said "if you are the son of God, throw yourself down for it is written..."

This shows tht he can even use the word against you. This is why it's important to read your bible and to know it very well.

If you obey God and resist the devil and his temptation, he will flee from you because honestly why would stick around wen he sees that this person ain't gonna budge????

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