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Guys, today I committed a 'great' sin. I felt like all the progress I've been through has completely been to waste. I wanted to give up.

But you know what? I didn't. I couldn't. I prayed that the Lord would forgive me. But I still felt like the worst creature to ever exist. Do you know why I'm telling you all this? It's because we all sin. We all have those moments where we feel like giving up. This life, the Christian life I mean, is not easy at all. There will be temptation lurking at every corner of our daily lives and most of the times we think we can handle it on our own. We think we are strong enough to sort out our own problems.

But what I've learned today is that God always makes a way. He brings others who can help you. Having fellowship with other Christians is not a funny business. It's helpful and for me, it's a trully remarkable time.

Fellowshiping is not just 'going to church'

Fellowshiping is
*worshipping together
*helping each other
* encouraging each other.
* even rebuking one another

We are a body of Christ. And jus like our bodies work, so does the body of christ.

Take this for example; If your leg is injured, your hands will put the bandage on the foot. Same with fellowshiping. Other Christians will put the "bandage" on you as well.

That's all I wanted to say

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