A Love That's So Demanding (16)

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Chapter 16

(Frank's POV)

I got up off the floor. This was the only time I had some peace, when I was performing. I just let my fingers do the work they got all my stress out. This was the first show of our tour, I was surprised that we had such a nice turn out. I looked out over the crowd, a face stood out. She was the only one not dancing, the only one not smiling, our eyes locked and she turned and ran for the door. Leaving some guy looking very bewildered. I dropped my guitar and jumped off stage. It couldn't be her, I mean she... she looked like a ghost of her old self. I could hear Gee calling me back, but I couldn't let her get away. As I burst though the doors the cold air hit me. A shiver went though my body, the sweat from the performance didn't help.

I looked down both sides of the street and I saw her stumbling down the away from the club. I took off running she hadn't gotten far. "Non?" I said as I came up to her, she looked up at me. Her eyes were sunken in, like she hadn't slept in days. She looked like she had loss some weight and her hair had grown a bit but it was up in a messy bun that looked half done.

I didn't care though I pulled her into a hug. I couldn't help it. "No," she whispered I could smell alcohol on her breath.

"No what?" I said walking her back toward the club. I saw that Gerard and the rest of the band had run out behind me and were trying to figure out what to do.

"Don't make me go back in there." she seemed to dread the thought of going back into the venue.

"Frank what's..." Gerard ran over to us.

"Gerard, I..."

"Look we'll just call this show off, okay." he said with an understanding grin. "Its nice to finally meet you Nonnie." she didn't even make eye contact she just nodded.

"Thanks," I swept Nonnie up into my arms and carried her to our waiting tour bus. She nuzzled closer into my neck. I heard her breathing slow, I knew she had fallen asleep. I laid her into my bunk and crawled in after her. Pulling her close. I watched her sleeping. She looked so peaceful.

(Nonnie's POV)

I woke up to a pitch-black room, someone was holding me I could feel their breath on the back of my neck. Then it all came rushing back to me. Chris, Clark, and ... and Frank. I shot up hitting my head on the ceiling. "What? What happened?" Frank said shooting up and hitting his head. My head was pounding, my stomach was sick and I couldn't sit up. He pulled back a curtain to reveal that we were on a tour bus. I shut my eyes.

"Close it." I said, my mouth felt like a thousand cotton balls were jammed in and my breath smelled terrible.

"Non, I can't believe he did this to you." he closed the curtain, "You never used to drink. I know why you left." My mind flew in a bunch of different directions, how did he know? Who told him? Did he get in touch with Janay some how? "And I don't blame you."


"Shush you are with me now, I'm not going to let anyone else hurt you. I'm not going to let you run away from me again. I..." I didn't know what he was talking about, but the idea of being with him again was something I desperately wanted. I don't know why I didn't just tell him the truth in the first place. Oh yeah.

"Where's Travis?" I said interrupting him. I felt him stiffen next to me. "Are you going to tell him you found me?"

"Screw him." Where was this coming from?

"Frank his your best friend."

"No, he's not. After you left he told me about the reason you left."

"So he knows too?"

"How could he not know. Anyway I told him about you and me."

"Frank why would you do that, hold on what?" if he was just telling him about the two of us, that means he thought the baby was his.

"I'm sorry, but I thought I was the reason you left and I wanted him to know the truth, but then he told me about him and Michelle..."

"Michelle what does she have to do with all this?"

"He cheated on you with her..." it must have dawned on him that I didn't know what he was talking about. "Wait I thought that was the reason you left." I could feel the tears starting to fall. He did cheat on me, I mean I knew it but I didn't know it. I didn't want to believe it. "If that wasn't why you left, then why?" this just made me cry even more, thinking about the child that I'd lost. "Who did this to you? Tell me." He was yelling now and all I could do was sob. "Non, please tell me." He said this in a quiet voice while pulling me into his arms. I took in his smell. This was the end of the line I had to tell him. I waited until I got myself together enough to talk and took a deep breath.

"Frank, do you remember the day I left,"

"Yeah you were really sick,"

"I found out...I found out that I..."

"Its okay Non please just tell me."

"I was pregnant." He opened the curtain again I tried not to flinch and met his green eyes with my brown ones. "I was pregnant, and I didn't want to explain to my boyfriend that his best friend might be the father," I kept going watching the emotions run across his face. "So I left hoping that the two of you would go on without me around, as if I'd never been around." His hand went to my stomach and the tears started to flow from my eyes again only this time I cried silently.

"You said you were pregnant it hasn't been nine months. What happened, I know you well enough to know that you wouldn't get an abortion. So what happened?"

"I lost the baby Frank. I was at a show, that same venue we were at last night. There was a mosh pit and I got sucked into it I tried to get out, but then someone hit me and I started bleeding. It was all my fault Frank I knew I shouldn't be there. I should have stayed home but..." sobs over took me and I couldn't finish talking.

"No shhh shhh its not your fault you didn't know that was going to happen." He held me tighter. I cried myself back to sleep.

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