A Love That's So Demanding(25)

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Chapter 25

(Travis's POV)

I walked off the stage; there stood Michelle as usual with a towel in hand. "We need to talk." I said grabbing her hand; I was going to end this ridiculous relationship now. Then I looked over into my ex-best friend's cold eyes. He wrapped his arms protectively around a small figure who was drenched from head to toe. My breath caught as I realized who it was. "Non?" she didn't move she didn't turn toward me. I dropped Michelle's hand and took a step toward them, they took a step away. "Non," I said taking another step toward them. That's when the rest of the band came out of the dressing room. There were four of them I'd met them briefly before we rushed onto the stage.

"Hey Frank, we gotta go," the one with a fro said. Frank got a worried look on his face and I saw Non tighten her grip on him. "Non? Is she okay?"

"Yeah, stall for a minute while I take her back to the bus?" Frank said and turned away from me. Michelle walked up to me and put her arms around me from behind. First things first. I turned to look her in the eye.

"Michelle its over, I bought you a plan ticket and there's a cab out front waiting to take you to the airport. I shouldn't have let this get this far." I handed her the ticket, I was surprised that she didn't say anything. I spoke too soon as her face changed it had sunken in.

"Fine, but did you see the way she clung to him?" she let out an evil laugh, I swear she should work for Disney. " She doesn't want you and she never will,"

"That's something that I'm willing to chance. Besides you knew I didn't want you from the start." I turned and walked away. Frank bumped into me on his way past and stopped for a moment.

"Stay away from Non," he said in a threatening tone.

"Or what?"

"You don't wanna know." He said and ran out onto the stage. I headed out to the buses I had to talk to Non. She looked so small and scared. I just wanna make sure she's okay.

(Nonnie's POV)

I climbed into our bunk as Frank left. I know he had to leave but I really wish he could have stayed. Why on earth did the new band have to be Travis's. Frank and I were starting over. The feelings I have right now are so confusing. On the one hand I so pissed off at Travis I could scream, on the other I feel guilty cause I cheated too and it was worse cause it was with his best friend. I heard a knock on the bus door. It was probably their manager. Frank sometimes sent him to check on me.

I got out of the bunk and opened the door. Coming face to face with Travis. It was still raining he stood there getting soaked his hair was out and a mess of curls. I froze. His arms sprang out and he pulled me to him, his lips crashing into mine. It took a minute for what was happening to register. His tongue forced its way into my mouth. Finally I recovered enough to push him away.

"Non..." he said out of breath, it was still pouring down rain so I was sure he couldn't tell I was crying.

"No," I said as he took a step closer. "I'm with Frankie now." I could see the hurt on his face. It felt good to hurt him. "Just...Just go away." His hurt turned to anger as he turned to leave. I got back onto the bus. And sat on the floor, shivering from the cold, or maybe it was from the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I don't know, the next thing I knew Bob was carrying me back to the bunk Frank and I shared. "Where's Frank?"

"He's coming, he had to talk to Luke our manager, I think he is trying to see if he can get that new band moved off the tour. I didn't want him to see you sleeping on the floor. He would never let you out of his sight then." He said smiling down at me. I knew I wasn't going to tell Frank about Travis's visit. If I did there's no telling what he would do. If he thought that Travis was trying to rekindle what we had before.

"Thanks Bob." I said climbing further into the bunk; I savored the smell of the covers they smelled like Frank.

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