A Love That's So Demanding (84)

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Chapter 84

(Janay's POV)

I sat next to Pete, my arms wrapped tightly around him trying to figure out why I still cared if Rick was okay. I had to let it go he's no good for me. I don't even love him.

But what if I do. Am I willing to go back to the man who put me into the hospital and tried to kill my best friend? We arrived at the house and we all headed inside. We had no clue where everyone was going to sleep. It didn't take long for people to start calling out things like "I got the couch." Frank carried Nonnie up to their room. He didn't say anything. He was probably mad at himself for not being the one to get to Rick first. I can't believe I once thought he would hurt her. I was just jealous. I guess, because she would listen to him and not me. I always wanted to be the one to fix things for her.

I was relieved when Pete grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to Gerard's bedroom they decided the three couples would get the bedrooms. That meant me and Pete, Ray and Bill, and Frank and Non. I sat on the edge of the bed and looked at my hands. I wasn't sure I would be able to sleep tonight. Pete sat down beside me. "You did really good. I understand if you want to call them and find out what happened to him. Just don't tell Non or Frank he would be pissed." I looked at him like he was crazy. "You don't think I saw the way you looked at Non when she was about to stab him? I'm glad she did it though, he was going to kill her."

"I don't want to care Pete, I really don't."

"Then don't." he said getting up, he turned and leaned over brushing his lips across mine. Then he came back and kissed me full on the lips, I let my mouth welcome his tongue. I leaned back letting his body cover mine making me forget about everything that wasn't in this room. "I love you Janay," he whispered against my lips.

"I love you Pete," I said and I really meant it with all my heart I meant it.

(Nonnie's POV)

I lay in bed for a full week. The doctor wasn't too happy about me leaving the hospital. For the first couple of day's I wasn't so sure I'd made the right decision either the pain was horrendous, if I'd stayed at the hospital, they would have given me a nice morphine drip. Then the pain sort of dulled and it was more of a stiffness that was always present.

Frank was making calls everyday trying to arrange for us to find a big enough place for the six of us. They had all agreed to the moving thing. I was happy although I had a feeling I would miss New York. I'd called my job and told them I wouldn't be back and Frank went and picked up my things for me. I couldn't bring myself to go back there. Everyone was treating me like a china doll and watching my every move. It was quite annoying to say the least.

I stood up, welcoming the feel of the cold floor on my feet. They also said I wasn't supposed to be moving around, but today I was going to tell everyone about the baby. I mean they would have to know sooner or later. I made my way carefully down the steps. I couldn't believe that all three of these bands were able to cohabitate so well together. Most everyone was sitting around the living room, watching TV. Not really doing anything. When they saw me they erupted into various different forms of the same scolding. "Why didn't you wait for one of us to come help you down stairs." Was the just of it.

"I'm fine, now let me sit down." Mikey stood up and helped me sit down. I just rolled my eyes. "First things first I am so happy to see all of my friends here. You guys know you're my family. There something I need to tell you, its going to come as a surprise." This got all of their attentions. Those that were standing sat down and Frank gave me a look asking me if I was sure I wanted them to know. I simply nodded and he came and held my hand. "While I was in the hospital they did some routine test. One of which came out positive..."

"Oh my god Nonnie you have AIDS?" Ray said, I looked at him like he was crazy.

"No dummy I'm pregnant." I said laughing.

"So why is this that big a deal?" Janay asked. Realizing that there was more to the story. I took a deep breath and kept eye contact with her.

"They said that the baby is most likely...Rick's." I heard a few gasps.

"I plan to raise this child as my own, and I don't want anyone to tell anyone else any different okay?" Frank said. I could see Janay wasn't comfortable with this. I was having Rick's baby something she had at one time aspired to do. It wasn't that she was jealous of me, more she felt guilty that I had to have my rapist baby. At least that's what I hoped cause there was no real way I could tell with out her telling me or me reading her mind.

"You guys don't have to look at me with pity. I'm just having a baby. It doesn't matter who the real father is. Frank is going to raise him or her with me and we... I have decided that I don't want to know who the father is. I said that to mean that I will not be getting a DNA test. It's not worth the money, and I don't want it to effect the way I treat my child."

"Well congratulations." Pete said wrapping his arms around Janay, she now looked like she wanted to run from the room.

"Since we are sharing good news." Frank said getting up and kneeling down on one knee in front of me. "Non tell all these people that you will marry Me." if I hadn't been stiff as a board I would have jumped up and threw my arms around him. Instead I just screeched "yes" at the top of my lungs. Causing everyone to look at me like I was crazy.

"What? I been waiting since we were in high school for him to ask me that." everyone laughed at me. As I looked around at my family.


Thank you all for reading. I will be posting the sequel, but this just felt like the right place to leave it. Sorry if I disappointed in any way



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2009 ⏰

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