A Love That's So Demanding (81,82,83)

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Chapter 81

(Frank's POV)

"We really need to speak with her alone." detective Gordon said for the third time. I was trying to think of the best way to tell them that I wasn't leaving this seat.

"What do you want to talk about?" Non asked not making eye contact.

"We need to get some details strait about your attack." she got this look of fear on her face.

"I don't want to talk about it," she was reverting to a child who didn't want to eat her vegetables.

"If we don't get your statement he will go free. It will endanger you and your friend." Non looked up when she said the friend part.

"Can't you do this after we..." I said.

"We have to get this information while its fresh in her mind." the other detective.

"Frank, please give us a minute." Non said looking at her hands. She sounded determined.

"I'll be right out side that door if you need me okay." she nodded without looking up and I left the room. I paced outside the door for twenty minutes, 'till finally the door opened and the detectives left.

"Listen she's a little upset. You should go in there, make her feel as safe as possible." Detective Fagan said.

"Thank you for telling me." I said then walked into the room. "Non?" she lay in the bed with her head in the pillow. I could just barely hear her sobbing into the pillow. I walked over to the bed and called her again, this time she turned over to look at me.

"Frank, I wanna go home." She said simply.

"I'll have to talk to the doctor."

"I don't care, I don't want to stay here. They told me Rick was out on bail."


"He was out that same night. Frank I want to go home now. I can't stay here. He can find me here."

"Nonnie I won't let him hurt you, I 'm not going anywhere."

"He's done it before Frank. Just please can we go home." She was begging to get out of here and I was sure the doctor wasn't going to let us leave.

"Just let me check with the doctor, and then I'll be right back." I left to go find the doctor. Hopefully I could convince him to let her go home tonight.

Chapter 82

(Janay's POV)

We headed strait to the hospital from the airport. I was probably going to lose my job but I didn't care, I just needed to see for myself that Nonnie was okay. I left everyone else outside they were parking and taking their time. I walked up to the nurse's station. "Can you tell me where Nonnie Woods' room is?"

"Wow that girl is popular she's had a lot of visitors, one guy just went up. He was cute." I wasn't in the mood for people to be gushing over my guy friends.

"Uh can you tell me what room?"

"Oh, yeah room 132, right past the elevators." She looked a little mad that I didn't give in to her gossip so I added.

"I'll give him your number if you want?" she smiled and quickly wrote down her number on a piece of paper. I left her there and went down the hall her room. The door was closed and I heard something crash. I swung the door open, and froze.

There was Rick, he was standing over the bed, Nonnie was kicking and fighting as best she could. "I thought I'd killed you in that ally," he said in a harsh voice. "But you just wouldn't die. Would you?"

"Rick, stop," he turned and looked at me. I felt that pull, but stood stock still at the door.

"Janay you came back?" he said, his hand held Non, by her neck. I could tell she was hurting.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry I left. Let's get out of here, just you and me." I said I didn't know where I was going with this, but Non was struggling to breathe now.

"She... she took you away from me. I have to make sure she won't do it again."

"Rick, I won't let her. She's got her own life here, now she won't interfere with us. I promise." His grip loosened on her neck and I heard her taking deep breaths. I heard someone come up behind me.

"What is he doing here?" Rick said, I turned to find Pete standing beside me. I hoped he would let me do this for Non and just play along.

"He came to apologize for coming between us. He knows that you and I should be together." I pleaded with Pete to play along with my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for that." He said, he almost had me convinced.

"See Rick they all know that we belong with each other." I could see Non's hand moving. She pulled her IV out of her arm. I shook my head hoping she saw me, but I knew she hadn't. She stabbed him in the hand that was around her neck. He screamed out in pain as Pete rushed past me and tackled him to the ground.

Chapter 83

(Pete's POV)

We both tumbled to the floor, I heard Non screaming for Frank. I didn't care, I had to settle something's with this guy. He hadn't just hurt Non, but he's hurt Janay too. I swung my fist full force at his face and connected I heard something crunch and blood started to gush from his nose. He swung back but missed. They never are much of a match when they are fighting other men. I kept hitting him until someone pulled me off of him. I was covered in his blood and he was unconscious. I spit on his face as someone pulled me away. I looked over at the bed Non was sobbing on Janay's shoulder. I wrenched myself free and walked over to them, Non had new bruises around her neck. Frank came into the room, and looked around. When he realized what had happened he rushed over and pulled Non out of the bed, so that he was carrying her bridal style.

"Mr. Iero she needs to stay here a few..."

"Shut up, look what just happened. She's going home now sign the papers yourself. You guys coming." he said we stood there for a min. We all followed him outside. Everyone else was still looking for parking. When they saw us they just opened the doors to the rental car. "Hey lets just go home." Frank said to them. He gave them directions and Non just held onto him the whole ride. Janay held onto me. I don't know what happened to Rick, and I don't care.

(Frank's POV)

That makes twice that I haven't been there to protect Non. It just brings to mind what she said the night before I sent her to LA. "Things just seem to go wrong when I'm not with you," and she was right. When I was even just a few feet away from her she was liable to be hurt. I felt her shiver in my arms. I moved her off my lap and took off my hoodie. She was only wearing a hospital gown.

"Here," I said helping her pull it over her head. "Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded, I didn't believe her though. She was shaken up by what had happened. I pulled her back in to my arms. She stiffened in pain but didn't pull away. "How would you like to move away from the city?" I asked. I'd been thinking about this for a little while now. She and I could really use a change in scenery and I'm sure the guys would agree that we could record anywhere.

"But what about..." she started but I had already read her mind.

"The album? We can record anywhere. Hell we could probably get the label to pay for our house to have a studio. I mean we may have to have the guys move with us..."

"Like we don't already live with them," she said snuggling into my neck.

"I'll talk to them about it later okay,"

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