Chapter 5

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Lol sorry I'm a bit late. You may have noticed I was editing. From now on I will try to edit every five chapters.
Also my imagination wasn't
cooperating, but now it's on full blast
and it's ready to write.
So let's jump right into it
Hope you enjoy!
Chapter 5

I'm back floating once again in the bright abyss. The girl was still there cradling the body, with occasional sobs. Then she reaches for the corpses hand, and pulls a piece of paper from its grasp. I observe her from my side of the doorway not being able to comfort her.

"Why...why...WHY!" She yells in between sniffles. Some one else comes into the frame. A boy with blood stained, blonde hair and armor. Unlike  the girl and corps, he has no wings.

"" The boy says, startled at the sight before him. The girl seems scared by his presence.

"What did you DEMON! HE LOVED YOU!" The boy yells unsheathing his sword.  The girl sat there, the corps still cradled in her arms. The blond boy charges at her ready to strike.

"NO!"  I shout, shooting straight up from my pillow. I sat there in a cold sweat...I wonder if she is ok. But something about that girl reminds me of Kimberly.

I got ready and went to Chase's house, picked up and dragged him along. Now we are waiting for Kimberly to show up. She may be mad at me though...that letter seamed really personal. I don't want to get on her bad side, I should probably apologize. Speak of the devil there she is. She walks into the clearing around the lake.

"Sorry guys, I couldn't find the clearing," she says with a smile.

Throughout the day we go through lots of flying techniques, and she also taught me how to control when my wings appeared. Chase was like a cheerleader the entire time he watched in awe throwing in compliments and words of encouragement. Occasionally he threatened Kimberly, about if I got hurt and how it would affect the team. Eventually she knocked him out with a spell.

Now we are gathering our stuff and getting ready to leave. I guess now is my chance to apologize and ask her a few things.

"Hey, Kimberly?" I say, a bit nervously.

"Yes," She says, then faces me and tilts her head to the side.

"About yesterday..." I say, pausing " I'm really sorry, I didn't think it was going to be something that personal..."

"It's fine I mean-" she says, before I cut her off.

"That's not all...I wanted to ask you about some things," I take a pause, in case she had any objections about the topic, "One is about the dreams I've been having lately..." I say, she looks at me confused.

"Continue," she says, with curiosity in her voice.

"I appear in this bright abyss, and then there is this door way...inside the door way is a girl, and she seems to be cradling a corpse.... They both look like they were just in battle or something..."
I take another pause, she furrows her eyebrows and I continue again, " Then the girl got a piece of paper from the corpse's hand...when she read it she yelled why, and started crying a lot. Then a boy came into view...he yelled at her calling her a demon...and that the corpse loved her, and charged-" I stop and look at Kimberly's expression.

Her face was like a blank slate, her eyes wide, the grey one is flashing multiple colors and shades. She seems distant, like she was having a flash back.

"Kimberly, Kimberly? Kimberly!" I shout, waving my hand in front of her face.

Blood red tears roll down her cheeks, yet she is unmoving. I reach to wipe the tears.

"NO DON'T!" She yells, catching my hand and kicks me in the side, making me fly into a tree. I grip my side, looking up in pain. Her grey eye still flashing many colors, and her expression still untouched. Her blood red tears stained her cheeks. She stared off into the distance, forgetting my presence.

" could you?" She mumbles to herself. Her eyes start to shut, she loses her balance and starts to stumble. I get up, ignoring the pain in my side, and run over to her. She falls over collapsing in my arms.

She looks so peaceful yet in pain. Her cheeks, stained red and her black hair, clashing with her pale skin. Her eyes shut tight, as if she was having a nightmare and couldn't escape. All of this seems so familiar. I can't help but feel nostalgic even if I just met her a few days ago. Its like I have known her my entire life...

My sides ache with pain. I look at the poor tree that I had hit, and looks like it wasn't very durable. The tree cracked in the middle threatening to fall over. There was blood staining the bark and trailing to where I sit. I notice a gash across my arm, blood trickling down and dropping to the floor. I could tell that wasn't all that my body endured, considering the pain surging through the rest of my body.

Chase laid by the lake, still soundly a sleep and oblivious to the event that had occurred. My thoughts ramble on about tomorrow and what I'm supposed to tell Addison. I haven't text or called her in all weekend, she is probably angry. I can only imagine the tantrum she is going to throw. I guess I don't really have a good excuse either, at least not a believable one.

I fling Chase over my shoulder, and Kimberly over my other one. Good thing neither of them are that heavy, so hopefully I can manage a flight home. At first it was hard getting into the air, and when I did, keeping my balance was my next challenge. In the end I made it to Chase's house and dropped him for Kimberly I found a key to a rental house a few blocks away.

The neighborhood seemed abandoned, few cars were in the area. It's a good place for her to hide out. The house she is staying at is run down, the grey paint peeling away, and the windows were boarded up. Overgrown trees and vines covered the exterior. The yard was covered in long grass and weeds.

I walk up to the door, and slowly unlock it. It squeaks when I push it open. The house was dark, the only light was the from the gaps in the boarded windows. I could barely see the staircase leading to the second floor. I carefully follow the steps up into a narrow hallway. There was a door leading to a balcony which was also covered, and another which I assume to be Kimberly's room.

The door creaks open, not a single ray of light was seen. I search the walls for a switch, attempting not to drop Kimberly. I fond one and flick it on. Now that there is light I can see everything clearly. I gasp in shock at the sight around me.

Along the walls and scattered on the bed were hundreds of sketches. I clear them off the bed and gently place down Kimberly.

I look at the sketches and notice something they all have in common...
A blonde boy in armor...a girl with black hair and milky white skin...and a boy with dark brown hair with piercing green eyes and huge black wings with green tips.

Just like in my dream...

The plots unraveling shall begin!
I hope you enjoyed!
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