Chapter 11

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"Kimberlaina!" Chase called out in a cheery tone. A moment later Kimberly runs out of the other room, and over to where I am.

"Chadix?" She says, her voice quivering and her eyes are filled with tears. Chase turns towards Kimberly. They slowly move closer to each other, and go into a tight embrace. I hear Chase mutter something but I'm not sure what.

"Uh what's going on?" I ask, oblivious to the reason of their sudden friendship.

"Nothing of importance, at least not at the moment."Kimberly says, breaking out of the embrace.

"Hay you know what I'm really tired, and we have a game tomorrow so we better get some rest." Chase says climbing down to the bottom floor.

"Sounds good, I'll fly you home. I'll be back Nynx!" Kimberly says, following after Chase.

They seem to be in a hurry,but why? I glance inside the room, hanging there on the wall was a broken sword. Part of the blade seemed to have been melted away. There was a strange aura that lingered around the sword. A sudden feeling of concern washed over me.

I turn around and notice that Kimberly and Chase were already gone. I run out into the entrance of the cavern abode and swim up from the cold depths of the lake. I see Chase and Kimberly in the distance. I drag my self out of the water, and take off flying a distance away from the two. When they arrive at Chase's house, I hide in the bushes closest to them.

"So you actually did it, but how?Something like this should have cost you greatly?" Chase states in a serious manner.

"It doesn't matter what it cost me nor how I achieved it! All that matters is that you guys are here with me," Kimberly stops and lets out a sigh, "not to mention that Lucifer is still alive, and wants your guys' heads and my hand."

"That monster is still alive, impossible!" Chase says unconvinced.

"He is tainted." Kimberly says quietly, dropping her gaze to her feet. Chase just stands there with a frozen expression, shock.

"What!" He yells in a demanding tone."Lucifer is tainted! If Jackson knew, he would go mad!"

"Yes, there is something strange about his power though, he only has half, if not less of the abilities that I have. Yet he is twice as skilled as I am in those areas." Kimberly says in distraught.

"That's strange, How could this have happened? Does the kid know?" Chase asks

"The kid? Oh Jackson, well Lucifer did attack him last night. Jackson was so weak I've never seen him so helpless-"

"That's because that boy isn't Jackson he is a teenager stuck in the corpse of of the man we used to know! You filled my head with fake memories what happens if I go into that house back to the other Chase's family. im not their son Chase the honors student, who loves sports, the boy with two loving parents and a roof over his head. I'm Chase the orphan taken in by a cursed man who wanted his kingdom to be set free from the hands of the king, I'm Chase the iron knight to them im a monster. Kimberly he is still apart of me its like he is fighting me he doesn't accept all of these old memories, it's like he doesn't accept the old me. What do I do everyone is going to realize I'm not the same. " Chase says, worry written all over his face.

"Don't worry, once Jackson regains his memories we are leaving and we are going to find Lucifer. Hopefully that happens soon he is basically helpless in this state. Well I must go, I need to gather my stuff from that run down house I use to call a home. If you need to spar, I'm always up for a little challenge. Good night Chase, and best of luck," Kimberly says and takes off.

I sit quietly behind the bush and wait for Chase to leave, then I head home. I didn't fly, it only reminded me that I was just a corpse with no recollection of its past. I can't live in the shadow of a man who I am not, I want to remember. If I can't then I want to help Kimberly and Chase, that's the least I can do since I'm a constant reminder of their diseased friend. In order to help them I'm going to need to be able to fight.

Before I know it I find myself back inside the underwater ruins, Nynx lays in the corner asleep. I go to the armory on the far end and examine the equipment on the wall, swords, daggers, shields, bows and some other weapons I've never seen before. I don't know what to start with, then I remember the room we didn't open, maybe I could do a little exploring.

I climb my way up the stairs and head for the room. The door emits a dark aura, one that wasn't very inviting. I place my hand on the orb, and before I know it the door opens.

Inside was a bed room like the other two doors, but there was no rubble and not a thing seemed to be out of place. This must have been Jackson's room.

I look around the room examining the unique decor. Shelves of different animal parts, and strange books were lined against a wall, most likely souvenirs.

A long scythe lays across the bed, the handle was wrapped in cloth. Maybe that's what Jackson used as a weapon.

Right beside the bed was a large dresser, I open the top drawer and see a few random items, a dagger, an oddly shaped key, and a black cloak. I drape the cloak over my shoulders and pick up the key and shove it in my pocket.

I move the scythe and lay on the bed. Everything in here seems familiar but I still don't remember anything. I lay there racking my mind trying to remember something, anything. Before I know it my eyelids grew heavy. As sleep began to consume me I heard a distant voice call my name.

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