Chapter 2

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I hove no commentary at the moment
Please enjoy.
Chapter 2

The bright light is now fading away, and I start to make out two figures.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TWO!!! HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE?" I hear Kimberly scolding Chase and I. I sit up then then their attention turns to me. Kimberly starts walking straight towards me.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!!!" Kimberly says in a demonic tone, and then I hear a ripping noise and see two demonic wings coming from behind Kimberley. I notice Chase, and see he is pale as a dead body. When I look back at Kimberly,  I can see her eyes. But one eye changed the grey one is now a blood red. There were more  extravagant details added to her as well. Bull horns form on both sides of her head, her ears pointed like an elf, her finger nails sharp as daggers, and she has an alligator like tail.

As she continues to walk toward me I notice her ears start to twitch and turns to the fence, within two seconds she is back to normal and shoots an essence straight into my chest. All of a sudden a clear bubble quickly forms around me until I'm completely surrounded by the essence. I see Kimberly shoot the essence at Chase and then he is invisible, Kimberly motions her hands and disappears. Right after she disappears, I see Addison and her cheerleading friend walk into the parking lot.

I look around for any trace of Kimberly or Chase, then notice the sketchbook lying wide open on top of Kimberly's hoodie. I wonder what will happen if Addison looks through the sketches, but my thoughts were interrupted when the sketchbook and hoodie disappear. Then my bubble starts to shake and a hole starts to form as if it were to bust, instead I see Chase squeezing through and the bubble returns back to normal.

"Where are they?" Addison asks her cheerleader friend.

"I don't know maybe they went home."

"What ever."

"Yes she's leaving."Chase says

"Did you hear that. I heard someone. They are still here." Addison says searching for us.

Then the bubble starts to shake again and a pair of hands are placed on Chase's and my mouth then Kimberly appears behind us. She seems to be mouthing something but I don't know what. Addison is still searching at one point she is starring right at us. Then Kimberly removes her hands from our mouths and shushes us while pulling us away from Addison.

The bubble moved with us. When we got far from Addison and any other people the bubble pops and Kimberly falls to her knees.

"I can't believe it how could this happen so quickly. I needed more can't do this to
me...but I..." She mumbles, to herself. I kneel down next to Kimberly and feel her arms drape around me.

"I forgive you."Kimberly whispers in my ear, and I start to feel hot tears fall on my shoulder. I didn't know how to respond, what does she mean she forgives me. What ever she meant, doesn't matter she needs to stop crying.

"I'm fine it's ok." I tell Kimberly trying to be comforting.

"No..." She says releasing her grip on me and looking down at her hands. I look back at Chase and he's starring at my back.

"What is it Chase?"I ask wondering what is so interesting about my back.

"It's the wings." Kimberly mumbles again.

I attempt to understand what she meant, after a few seconds I knew exactly what she meant. I reach my arm over my shoulder and feel a soft feathery texture. I look over my shoulder and my thoughts were correct... it was a smaller pair of the black wings from the sketch. I look over at Kimberly with a shocked expression.

"Surprise?" she says looking up at me with a smile.

What's Jackson going to do about his wings? Why is Kimberly able to turn invisible? Did she know this was going to happen? And is she hiding something? Vote or Comment on what you think.

I might leave you hanging after each chapter...but I might not. It's fun when you know what's going to happen next and everyone else doesn't...But then again I get frustrated when it happens to me.

So comment on what I should do...leave you hanging...or...not leave you hanging.
Your choice.


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