Chapter 5 - Trust

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Erin's POV

"Logan! Why'd you have to tell them!" I whisper yelled to him angrily. I didn't want anyone to know about it. Logan killing people especially my mother. She had died at the start of this all, protecting my little sister, Shayla, from one of the monsters. Got bit on her arm then scratched all over her back while Shay escaped. She asked Logan to put her down before she turned as she had to do with my dad before. I wasn't around when that happened. We all got split up. Me, Logan and Shayla separated by a hard from our parents. When we met back up, dad was gone. We got away because the dead were to busy feasting on our dad.

"Maybe they have a camp! We could be safe Erin... Trust me, please." He almost begged me to believe him. I hated it but I knew Logan knew better. Within minutes Glenn and Maggie came back over.

"We have a prison. There are dozens of people there. We have fences and walls, separate cells and cell blocks, weapons, food, water. We even started a farm. We have a community. If you wanna come with us back and become a part of said community then we've decided that you'd be welcome to join." Maggie beamed. A camp! Logan was right! When I looked over I saw the excitement in his eyes, both if us speechless. Finally!  Somewhere safe!

And then it hit me.

We still don't know these people, they could be lying just to bring us back and kill us or something, maybe make us work or be used as walker bait. We still couldn't trust them. The smile disappeared from my face and I saw the worry on Logan's.

"What's wrong?" He reckoned, bending down to my height and holding my shoulders with a concerned expression. I saw Maggie and Glenn exchange looks too as the smiles were wiped from their faces in my sudden change of attitude. "We can't go there." I whispered shaking my head.

"Why not?" Logan just smirked at my comment. "They have food, supplies, shelter, people. Erin this is perfect for us! No more running, if we go with them, we're going to some place we can call home. Somewhere safe." His smile grew wider at the thought.

"Logan, yeah I know, that would be pretty cool but what if it's not? What if they just wanna kill us? Or  make us work at the prison or anything worse? We can't trust these people Logan, it's not safe. We've got better chances out here." I said as quietly as I could but I think Glenn and Maggie still heard.

"Erin, this is a decision we have to make. Out here, we're barley living. With them, we have a chance at life. They saved us for christs sake! I think if they wanted to kill us, they would have by now. Please just trust me on this one." Logan begged me practically for my trust. I do trust him, I just don't trust them. I just nodded and a smile stretched across his face again as he turned to Glenn and Maggie.
"We'd love to," Logan beamed and Maggie and Glenn beamed back leaving me the only one still frowning.
After we all got our things and left. Maggie and Glenn killed the few walkers that were still lingering around outside then lead us through the city. We ended up hiking down the long road we had ran down from the walkers. It was clear now, only about a dozen that we couldn't out run or kill off easily.
"So where's this prison then?" I perked up. I needed to find out if they were lying and I think I knew how to do that.
"Not far, couple miles away. We have a car though, it'll only be aboutr a 20 minute drive." Maggie informed me. Ok, seemed truthful enough then. I went to ask another question when Glenn butted in.
"So how'd you two get this far then? Where ya from?" Glenn asked casually. Nosy, we didn't have to tell him anything. But of course, Logan had to be all jolly with them like they were our new best friends.
"We were born in New York and when our little sister Shayla was born, we moved to Georgia and been here since," He said but his voice cracked a bit mentioning Shayla, it was a but if a sensitive subject for both of us but more Logan than me.
"Who's Shayla?" Maggie wondered. I rolled my eyes and looked to Logan worried, flashing a quick scowl to Maggie, I think she got the message.
"Our little sister..." I interrupted the half awkward moment.
"Oh, I'm sorry..." Maggie bent down to Logan and placed her hand on his shoulder sympathetically. We were all in a sort of line going, Glenn then Maggie then Logan then me at the end. Logan looked up and smiled at her. She then turned to me but I just scoffed and looked away with my arms folded. Logan and I were close siblings but it never would have seemed we were. To be honest, we were almost opposites.

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