Chapter 8 - Tree Climber

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Erin's POV
Everyone got talking and Logan and I ate. A Lot of it was Daryl complaining about bringing more kids into the prison whilst mostly everyone else argued with him about how apparently we would have died if they hadn't had brought us in. Bullshit, we were doing just fine on our own! If it were up to me, we would still be in town, raiding shops and finding places to hide out not sitting awkwardly in a room full of adults, a baby and some insanely intense kid opposite us as we eat the food and drink the water these people just provided us with.

"So, can you fight?" Carl murmured to us after a moment, under the voices of the adults as he leant across the table to us.

"We've both had our fair share of practice with knives," Logan smirked as he finished off whatever meat crap was in that bowl. "You?"

"Gotta be able to," Carl shrugged.

"Prove it then," I challenged him, folding my arms with a smug grin on my face.

"So she can speak..." Carl began raising his eyebrows with sarcasm in his voice as I interrupted him.

"'She' has a name," I sneered back. Logan hit my arm gently, telling me to knock it off but I juts ignored him.

"Oh, I am sorry Princess Erin." He snapped back with even more sarcasm. I just rolled my eyes and huffed. "Prove it how?" He said after a minute, returning to his normal tone.

"By showing you can fight one of those things duh?!" I mocked as I saw the look on Logan's face telling me to seriously quit it but again, I just blanked him out.

"You want to go outside the gates and watch me kill a walker," He scoffed. This irritated me. I leant my elbows on the table and spoke in a low voice.

"Look, I've been in this shithole less than an hour and I'm already fed up. I wanna go back out so I'm going back out. I don't care who tells me otherwise. So you can come with me and show me what you can do, or stay here. I really could not care less." I sneered annoyed. I saw the glint of excitement yet fear in his eyes and him open his mouth to say something when Logan butted in.

"Are you insane?! You can't go out there," Logan protested but I stopped him.

"I can and I will." I said through my teeth and got up snatching my water bottle. I saw everyone's eyes turn to me as I rushed off then heard footsteps behind me. Logan and Carl had followed me.

"I can't stop you but you can't stop me from coming with you," Logan sighed then turned to Carl who shrugged and frowned then nodded and began to lead the way.

He lead us out of the cell block and onto a field where we followed him to the back of the prison where no one was. He then lead us through a chain link door and undid a piece pf rope that was holding together the fence where it had been cut open and let us out.

"Sure you wanna do this?" He asked as he held open the fence incase I changed my mind. I shook my head. "Whatever you say," He shrugged and tightly did back up the rope. There was no turning back now.

"So, what weapons we got? I just have my knife." I speculated as we began to wander into the thick cluster of trees, the boughs shading us meaning minimal sunlight actually reached the forest floor.

"I have a knife and my gun,' Carl informed us as he held up a sharp, shining knife and a pistol from his belt.

"I have my machete," Logan grinned, pulling the weapon from his belt and keeping it in his hand as we carried on walking. It seemed to take forever to find a walker. In the mean time, we told Carl about how we'd come this far and about how Glenn and Maggie found us which got some laughs outta him when Logan emphasized me being 'moody' towards them. It must've been at least half an hour and still nothing. It felt like we were going in circles until I had an idea.

"Hey, why don't one of us climb up a tree too see where we can actually go and to see where the prison is from where we are," I suggested and stopped next to a tall tree with lots of thick branches, perfect for climbing.

"I'll do it, I've been climbing trees since I knew how to walk," Logan insisted stepping forwards as we began to make his way up the tree.

"You see anything?" I called up once he was about half way.

"Trees..." He yelled back and shrugged. Carl was standing opposite me as we both looked up into the leaves. That was until Carl abruptly pulled his knife from his belt and lunged at me!

"Erin!" He yelled as I rapidly screamed and ducked out of the way, expecting pain but... None came. Phew. Instead there was a loud thump beside. When I looked, I saw a deceased walker having a knife being pulled out of it's head. I looked up and realized that Carl had just saved my life from a walker.

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