Chapter 11 - I'm Sorry

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Erin's POV

"Shit, can you hear that," I whispered hoping it could of just been my mind playing trick on me. They both nodded. "What do we do?" I asked frantically.

"Come on, let's just go," Carl urged. I nodded and grabbed Logan's arm trying to pull him along but he wouldn't budge. He was still staring deep into the woods. I glanced to where he was staring and saw dozens of walkers stumbling towards us, their snarls getting louder as they approached.

"Logan! We have to go come on!" I yelled and tugged on his arm again. He stumbled off balance and began to walk slowly backwards until Carl ran up him quickly and grabbed him arm, forcing him to move. Logan's eyes suddenly became wide as he grabbed my hand and began running back to the prison.

"Guys we won't make it all the way back, they'll catch up!" Carl yelled over the noise, struggling to speak as he picked up the pace.

"That tree. We can climb up there. They'll pass if we get up high enough." Logan planned. We both nodded and kept running, my legs aching and throat dry, the cool air like a pin prick on my skin. The undead were getting closer and closer, decreasing our lead by the second. We eventually managed to reach the tree as Logan began to scramble up.

"Follow me up, copy where I'm putting my hands and feet, I know the quickest way up." Logan asserted us as he climbed the base of the tree. The walkers meters behind us as I clawed to the tree. I began to go up after Logan, copying how he was climbing then Carl behind me copying me. Just as Carl got up the walkers consumed the base of the tree and and began clawing up at us. Logan was way ahead of me up the tree as Carl was right behind me.

Then, a blood curdling scream. I looked behind me and saw Carl gripping at one of the branches one handed as he held his knife with the other, slashing and stabbing at a walker that was clinging onto his trouser leg!

"Carl here!" I yelled as I put out my hand out to him. He slipped his knife back in his pocket and grabbed my hand. My other hand gripping onto a branch with the bark cutting into the palm of my hand. The walker still tugging at Carl's leg. I began to try and haul him him, I was almost screaming in pain as I looked up and saw red seeping from my hand.

"Erin!" Logan shouted down to me as I saw him begin to climb down.

"Erin! Let go!" Carl begged as his grip loosened from my hand but I didn't let go. That's it, I couldn't take anymore.

"I'm sorry." I yelled to Logan and let go of the tree branch with a sharp stinging pain getting worse on my palm. The walker still clawing at Carl's leg as we fell into the sea of the undead. I heard Logan screaming for me as my head hit the ground hard, my vision blurred with only death before me. Then red. I snap open my eyes and the scene becomes clear. Carl was using his gun to shoot nearby walkers as he shouted at me to get up.
Relying in instinct, I jumped to my feet and pulled out my knife and began stabbing as many walkers as I could around me. The strong hand I was using had blood pouring from it making it hard to grip my knife and do what i wanted to do with it. I felt a hand grab my arm and begin pulling me away.

A clearing, I saw a clearing in the herd. It was Carl's hand on my arm, he had already spotted the gap and was pulling me towards in.

"Wait Logan!" I yelled and tried to turn back to get my brother but the dead cut me off and Carl pulled me away. The last thing I saw of him was him climbing down the tree into the herd of the crowd of rotters, shouting and running after me. I kept trying to get back to him and help him but Carl had a tight grip on my arm and tugged me away from the herd. Half after us, half after Logan. He was running after us, catching up when suddenly, his shouting got to loud. Around a dozen walkers stopped coming after Carl and I and turned onto Logan, cutting him off. The final image was his hand reaching out to me as the walkers surrounded him and devoured him. I realised I was crying and still screaming. I lost Logan.

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