Chapter 6 - 'Good' First Impressions

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Erin's POV
It was about a 25 minute walk to the car from where we were at the shop. The whole time I was silent and edgy with Glenn and Maggie telling Logan all about the prison. To be frank, it sounded like a really nice place, safe. But I was still nervous.
When we reached the car Glenn got on the drivers seat and Maggie in the passengers leaving room for Logan and I in the back. I reluctantly crawled in and sat next to the window as Glenn started up the car. I leant my head against the window, gazing at my own reflection. I was bruised and cut galore but it didn't hurt. I guess you sorta get used to the pain. I still hadn't bothered smiling, I still don't see a reason to be happy and I still can't trust these people.
"So how old are you two anyway?" Glenn asked as he started up the car. Logan looked to me, hoping I would answer and actually interact with these people but I just death stared him silently and let him do the talking.
"I'm 16 and Erin's 13," He replied, smiling politely.
"Yeah, there are other kids at the prison too around your age group. You should make quick friends, you two are gonna really fit in." He beamed eagerly. "And you Erin, you should talk to Carl Grimes, the main whose in charge's son, he's a lot like you, ya know?"
"What do you mean, 'like me'? You don't even know me," I hissed back. Truthfully, I couldn't care less if there were other kids there. I just need Logan, he's my brother and my best friend so screw whoever this 'Carl Grimes' kid is. He's probably a douche anyway considering he's the leaders son.
"I mean based on how you've been acting. Carl trusts barely anyone, he's really... On edge is a way to put it. Cautious, like you." She explained, emphasizing her description of comparing him to me. I sighed and rolled my eyes and I think they both noticed cus they shut up after that.
The car journey was about half an hour long and I swear I almost fell asleep numerous times because of how little sleep I'd been getting recently but forced myself to keep my eyes open and alert all the time. For mine and Logan's sake. We rolled up to these two large metals door that pointed outwards, creating the corner of a right angle. Each side of the door had bloody, long, sharp spikes stuck in the ground with a few walkers stuck on each. There was in fact a prison with walls and fences just like they had promised though.
"Hey, please. At least try make a good first impression." Logan whispered to me, leaning over to me  so Glenn and Maggie couldn't hear. I just nodded, not bothering to look around.
I saw someone with a sheriffs hat inside the fences pull on a rope which the opened up the metal doors, pushing the walkers either side of it onto the spikes. Glenn instantly drove in and the boy tugged on the ropes again, closing the metal gates. So we were safe from walkers in here. That's a good sign I suppose.
"Come on, let's go introduce you two to everyone." Maggie smiled as she and Glenn got out the car followed by Logan and I. The sheriff hat boy came to join us as we walked up a long gravel path towards the large building.
"Who are these?" He said as he walked backwards in front of Glenn and Maggie, gesturing towards us.
"Logan Harmon," Logan butted in and put out his hand for Carl to shake. Carl looked down at his hand and furrowed his brow then looked back to Logan with narrow eyes and unwilling shook his hand.
"Carl Grimes," He said as he let go of Logan and stared at me, waiting for me to introduce myself but I scowled back. He just smirked at me. Well, so much for 'good first impressions' then.
"That's my little sister, Erin Harmon." Logan informed him but Carl didn't look away. It turned into mini death stare competition until Carl was distracted by a man who swiftly walked over to us.
"Did you ask them the questions?" The man asked quickly, looking us both up and down.
"Yeah, it's all good." Glenn assured him.
"Alright," The man nodded. "I'm Rick Grimes," He introduced himself.
"So you're the leader?" Logan questioned him tilting his head.
"If that's how you wanna put it, sure I'm the leader," He shrugged and shook Logan's hand then offered his to me but I turned away and ignored him.
"Logan and Erin Harmon. Siblings, 16 and 13. They were found alone, just the two of them," Maggie informed Rick quickly as we reached a door that had 'cell block D' spray painted onto in.
"Right, so Logan Harmon, Erin Harmon. Welcome to the prison." Rick nodded with a hint if a smile. So I guess this was it. Our 'new home'... I hope...

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