Chapter 9 - Smartass

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Erin's POV
I was still crouched on the floor looking up. Carl offered me his hand to help me get up but I slapped it away and hauled myself up, dusting the mud from my clothes.

"What the heck's goin' on down there?!" Logan screamed down, he was almost at the top down. "Everyone ok?" He bellowed anxiously.

"We're good! I killed a walker, you missed it!" Carl shouted back up to him as he wiped his knife clean of walker blood with a rag he pulled from his back pocket.

"What! You're gonna have to do it again If you're so amazing at killing these thing apparently," Logan complained but was using his hands to talk as per usual and almost fell out the tree which made me laugh.

"Whatever, just you wait. I can do better than that." I smirked and got out my knife so I was now ready in case anyone or anyone attacked me.

"You almost just died and I saved your life which I still haven't got even a simple thanks for yet can I add. That walker would have killed you cus you were to busy watching your brother in a tree instead of paying attention to your surroundings, you owe me one," He boasted. Ughhh, why did I let him come out here with me? I should have come alone but now I'm stuck with these two.

"I think you'll find, I don't owe you anything. You didn't have to save me from that walker. You could have let it have me, one less mouth to feed back at the prison, like Daryl said. You chose to save my life, that was your decision not mine," I smirked back. He just rolled his eyes, shaking his head and turned away.

"Smartass," I heard him mumble but I didn't say anything. And I know I'm a smartass cus I'm sure as hell not a dumbass. "Right so next time you're about to be eaten alive by the undead I'll just stand back and watch ok?" He sneered, finally thinking of an reasonable argument.

"Ok, you can stand back and watch how it's done," I raised my voice, he was getting on my nerves. I just wanted to turn back and go to my cell or run further out, back into the city but I knew Logan would never allow it.

"Guys, I see the prison." It's probably about a mile, mile and a half back straight the way we came." Logan yelled down and pointed in the direction of supposedly where the prison was.

"Come on, get down we can keep going. It won't get dark for a while yet, what's in the other direction?" I called back up.

"Just trees," He shrugged and began to make his way back down the tree until he reached the bottom.

"Had enough yet Grimes?" I mocked swept my hair from my face and began to head further into the forest.

"You wish, I'm used to it." He scoffed then followed Logan and I as we made our way further into the woods, the trees becoming more dense around us.

"Where were you before the prison yet?"  Logan asked breaking the silence of the twigs snapping under our feet.

"We had a little camp outside just outside Atlanta when it started then that became unsafe so we left for the CDC and almost got blown to bits by a suicidal scientist lune but escaped just in time. We were heading to Fort Benning but got stuck on a highway that had a bunch of cars so we couldn't get our cars through. Bunch of stuff happened, we ended up at this massive farm that Hershel, Maggie, Beth and a few other owned. It was good for a while until that got overrun too. We ended up on the road for months until we found this place and made it into how it is now. It was hard, we had a bunch of problems but we've been here for months now. It seems safe but I know it's only a matter of time before it all turns south too," He sighed remembering everything that had happened. I guess he'd been through a lot then, probably lost a lot of people, much like ourselves really. "What about you guys? it's been a struggle for all of us to get by even with so many people. How did you two make it on your own?"

I didn't want to answer him. I could see Logan didn't either but it was only fair really, he told us about him so in return we should tell him about us.

"We lived in Macon, not far from Atlanta and just kept heading towards the city but there were a bunch of things that got in the way. It was me, Logan, our little sister Shayla then my mum and dad but... Things happened and for the past few weeks now it's just been Logan and I. We haven't been anywhere safe like this yet, we've been moving from place to place almost constantly." I told him quickly without pondering on the thought of my deceased family cus I would only get worked up about it and that would probably set Logan off and we can't have that in the middle of a walker infested forest...

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