Chapter 12 - Better Me Than Her

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Logan's POV
Her screms tore through me like a great shard of glass. I felt the blood drain from my face as I watched Carl and Erin disappear behind the horde of undead. I was shouting as loud as I could, trying to get walkers to come for me and not her. My voice strained like someone was viciously ripping out my vocal cords when some of the walkers began to turn to me. Their disgusting, rotting faces and staring at mine with snarling yellow grins. My heart stopped fir a second when I understood what happens next.
I did the only thing I could think of doing and scrambled back up thw tree. I noticed as I was climbing up that a part of one of the branches was coated in deep crimsom blood. Erin's. I kept screaming even though the icy air was scartching my air ways, my lungs gasping for air but I refused to give in. More of dead being attracted my the clamour. My mind telling me to shut up but the more I yelled, the more of a chance Erin has of getting back to the prison alive.
I couldn't see her or Carl anymore. All I could see were trees and walkers. Dozens of them beneath me.
I did all I could do any just sat as far up as I could on the tree and tried to wait them out. I was quiet and in hope they would eventually leave me alone.

I must have been hours by now atleast. The sun had almost fully set with the once rose coloured sky, morphing into a matte black endlessness all around.

A couple walkers around the edges had wandered off but the others were still attempting to climb and kill me. Then, out of nowhere, gunfire. The shots breaking the solitary noise of the snarling. I hopped onto a lower branch and stood, trying to locate the noise. Then, some of the rotters around the edge of the crowd began falling. People were shooting at them. I watched more walkers falling as the gunfire got louder, more frequent and intense. I began waving around my arms and shouting, hoping whomever was shooting could get to me.

"Kid jump quickly!" I heard a voice yell. I wanted to run back to the prison but the gunfire was coming from the other direction, back towards the road. The walker's cluster was still dense the otherside, I knew I wouldn't survive if I tried to jump down that side. I did my only valid option and jumped down on the otherside of the tree and began sprinting. Bullets whizzing past me as the undead became dead once again behind me. I then saw people, about a dozen, most with guns walking towards the herd and shooting at them.

"Over here!" A woman with shortish brown hair called who didn't have a gun called to me. I ran towards her, past the people with guns and found myself back at the road. The road now had 2 army type vehicles on it that were running. I got to the edge of the road and stood frozen, staring at the woman who was now standing next to the army truck. "Come on! What the hell are you waiting for? Get in!" She ordered me, gesturing to the open door of the army truck. Without thinking, I launched myself into the back of one of the army trucks and she followed me in, slamming the door behind her. There was no one else in the car, I sat breathing heavily studying the girl. She looked a few years older than me, probably 20 and had dark hazel eyes. "Tara, umm... Tara Chambler." Said the girl as held out her hand.

"Logan Harmon," I replied, still panting but still shook her hand. It was cold to the touch, the kind that gave you shivers down your spine. Suddenly, the driver's door swung open and a woman with lighter brown hair got in the car and started it up. "Wait, no. I can't go anywhere! I have to go back and get my sister!" I exclaimed loudly and tried to open the car door but it was locked.

"Logan, you can't! There's biters everywhere! You get out this car, you die. You stay with us, we can help you get back to her. Deal?" Tara spoke quickly and in a paniced tone. Almost so fast I couldn't understand. The other woman and Tara both with pleading eyes as I sat silently, trying to get my head straight. I gulped then nodded. Both women smiled then the army truck infront of us pulled off and we followed it down the road.

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