Chapter Eighteen: Finally Safe

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Chapter Eighteen: Finally Safe

(Play the song above when Gohan starts singing! Lol I sound weird 😂)

When the smoke cleared, everybody blinked. Cell was gone. He had been killed in the blast.

(Sorry if the fight was too short! I suck at fighting scenes. 😝)

"Gohan! You did it!" (Y/N) exclaimed as she ran towards him, embracing him in a tight hug, "I knew you could do it!"

"Arigato," he said, hugging her back and blushing slightly.


The couple broke away and saw Goten running towards them.

"You saved (Y/N)!" Goten said as he hugged his brother.

Gohan picked him up and said with a smile, "That I did."

"Goten," Trunks hissed, "We have to give them some personal space."

"Right," he whispered back as Gohan put him down.

"We'll leave you two some privacy," the short man said, "Let's go."

The entire gang, except for Gohan and (Y/N), took off into the sky, leaving him and her alone.

"Thanks for finding me," (Y/N) said.

"I told you I would," Gohan said with his wide grin.

(Y/N) embraced him once more and said, "I love you, Gohan."

He embraced her as well before he broke away, saying, "That's not how it goes."

"Huh?" (Y/N) said, confused.

"It's like this," Gohan said before singing:

(Play the song now!)

"Last summer we met, we started as friends,
I can't tell you how it all happened.
Then autumn it came, we were never the same,
Those nights, everything felt like magic.
And I wonder if you miss me too.
If you don't, it's the one thing that I wish you knew,
I think about you, every morning when I open my eyes,
I think about you, every evening when I turn out the lights,
I think about you, every moment, every day of my life,
You're on my mind all the time, it's true,
How long till I stop pretending,
What we have is never ending."

At this point, (Y/N) started blushing like crazy while Gohan continued singing,

"Oh ~
Ohhhh ~
If we all are is just a moment, don't forget me 'cause I won't and I can't help myself.
I think about you.
Oh oh ~
I think about you.
Ooh ooh ~
I think about you, every morning when I open my eyes,
I think about you, every evening when I turn out the lights,
I think about you, every moment, every day of my life,
You're on my mind all the time, it's true,
I think about you, you, you, you, you.
Would you know what to say if I saw you today?
Would you let it all crumble to pieces?
'Cause I know that I should forget you if I could.
I can't yet for so many reasons."

(Y/N) began to tear up as he continued singing,

"I think about you every evening when I turn out the lights,
I think about you every moment, every day of my life.
You're on my mind all the time, it's true,
I think about you, you, you, you.
I think about you, you, you, you."

"Gohan..." (Y/N) said, "That was really sweet of you."

"Thank you," he said as he cupped her face and kissed her.

She melted into the kiss.

They would stay as one. Forever.

This was their love story.

A/N: AAAH! It's over! I can't believe it! Time flies by so fast! And this book is completed! Don't worry, I'll write another three bonus chapters and they will be coming up really soon since my exams will be over today! That is, if Wattpad doesn't glitch on me... anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to comment, vote, and add this to your library and reading list(s)! Sayonara!

P.S. This song is called "I Think About You" by Ross Lynch!

a/n #2: lmao almost no edits for this chap bc idk how

edited on: 14 november 2016

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