Bonus! Chapter Nineteen: Engagement

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Bonus! Chapter Nineteen: Engagement

(F/F2) = Favourite food

(Y/N) and Gohan had both graduated from university some days back and Gohan has not spoken to her in a while. Even though both of them now worked at Capsule Corp, they worked in different departments. (Y/N) was Bulma's secretary, and Gohan was the one thinking of all the parts that were needed to assemble the product.

"Here's the things that need to be signed today, Bulma-san," (Y/N) said as she placed a stack of papers on Bulma's desk.

"Thanks, (Y/N)-chan," Bulma said with a smile.

After (Y/N) had finished explaining to Bulma what the contents of each paper were, Bulma said, "Why don't you go on your break now?"

"Really?" (Y/N) asked as a smile crept onto her face.

Her break was never that early before. It was usually around three in the afternoon, but it was now one in the afternoon.

"Yes, really," Bulma said, "I'm pretty sure it's Gohan's lunch period now as well. Why don't you go talk to him? I never see you two talk to each other nowadays."

She gave her a wink.

"Thanks Bulma-san!" (Y/N) said happily.

"No problem," Bulma said with a smile.


(Y/N) sat down at a table with her eyes darting around the canteen, trying to find Gohan. After all, it is not too hard - no one in the office had the same hairstyle and glasses as him.

Finally, she spotted him, carrying his tray of food.

"Gohan!" (Y/N) called and waved.

He smiled back as he walked towards her table.

"Hi (Y/N)," Gohan said with a smile, "Long time no see."

More like "We've never talked for a long time, did you forget about me?"

"Yeah, same here," (Y/N) said and smiled back.

"So... do you want to get anything to eat?" Gohan asked after he placed his food on the table, "My treat."

"Oh, no no no," (Y/N) said as she stood up, "I can buy my lunch by myself."

"It's fine, really," he said.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Yep," he said.

"Alright," she said, sitting back down, "Well... you could get me some (F/F2)."

"Okay, I'll be right back," he said.


After their meal and conversation, (Y/N) felt grateful to Bulma that she had let her have lunch early. She placed a mental note to thank the bluenette later again.

"Um... (Y/N)?" Gohan said.

"Yes?" (Y/N) said.

"There's something I need to tell you..." he said.

"Okay," she said.

He got up. (Y/N) was pretty sure he was going to walk off and end their relationship.

Instead, he walked over to the spot beside (Y/N) and took out a small white box. Kneeling down with one knee, he opened it. Inside was a small diamond ring. Sure, it was small, but it meant a lot towards (Y/N), who was frozen on the spot.

"(Y/N), will you marry me?" Gohan asked.

"Gohan, there's no way I can say no to you!" (Y/N) said as tears of joy started forming in her eyes.

He took out the ring as she extended her left hand. Then, he carefully put the ring on her middle finger.

A loud cheer errupted from the people in the canteen. Soon, (Y/N) and Gohan were mobbed by people wishing them well-wishes and telling them congratulations.

(Y/N) had never felt happier before in her entire life.

A/N: Yush! One bonus chapter completed! *ticks it off checklist* Two more to go! I am pretty sure you can guess what the other two chapters will be about! See you guys soon!

edited on: 14 november 2016, monday

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