Bonus! Chapter Twenty Five: Christmas

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In the timeline: Before Gochi was born

The snow cascaded down the sky gently, turning the entire land of Japan into a Christmas wonderland. (Y/N) rushed up to the windows upon awakening and pressed her face against the cold window pane.

"Oh my God! It's snowing!" she exclaimed, before running back to the bed and shaking her sleeping husband, "Gohan! Quick! Wake up! It's snowing!"

Gohan hummed and sat up on bed.

"Come on! Put on your coat and scarf!" the girl said, slipping on her earmuffs, "Let's play in the snow!"

"(Y/N)..." Gohan sighed, "We're adults now, not little kids."

At this point, (Y/N) faked a hurt look and gave her best sad puppy eyes. She knew it made him guilty whenever he made her want to cry. She was going to make use of his weakness.

"D―demo... Gohan!" she said in a quavery voice, "I―I just want to play in the snow with you! Do you not want to spend time with your own wife?"

His eyes widened in panic as he stuttered, "T―that's not what I―"

"Fine! Be that way!" she huffed, forcing herself not to snicker, "I guess you don't really love me any more!"

"G―gomen!" he said, rushing up to comfort his "upset" wife, "We'll go outside and play in the snow right now!"

(why am i thinking of yamaguchi oh god help i'm sucked too deep into the haikyuu fandom) 

She grinned and squished him in a tight hug as she gushed, "Arigato!"


(Y/N) stood back with pride as she surveyed her snow fort which she and Gohan had built together.

"It looks great, don't you think?" she asked as Gohan made his way up to her.

"Not as great as you,"  he said as he bent down and planted a kiss on her cheek.

She turned pink as she said, "Geez, you do know how to flatter me."

"But of course," he said, "I'm your husband!"

"Let's just go inside our fort, yeah?" she suggested as she began to walk towards their snowy creation.

He nodded as he took her hand in his, "Sure."


After spending an entire morning in the snow, the couple headed back inside to the comfort and warmth of their home for the rest of the day, cuddling on the couch.

"Hey, Gohan?" (Y/N) murmured as she snuggled her face deeper into the fabric of her husband's shirt.

"Mm?" he responded, running a hand through her (H/C) locks.

"Thanks for going outside with me," she said as she glanced up at him before placing a kiss on his jaw.

"Anything for you, (N/N)," he whispered as he continued ruffling through (Y/N)'s hair.

a/n: i'm sorry this was rly short !!

happy birthday levi and viktor and wishing you guys a merry christmas !! ♡

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happy birthday levi and viktor and wishing you guys a merry christmas !! ♡

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