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hey hey hey !! it's me again, qq !!

readers: eff you author-chan you've never written a new chap in forever !!

ahh gomen gomen !! (fcuk why am i imagining suga saying this kms) yes i know it has been a while since i last did a bonus chapter―

readers: ye right " been a while " my ass

...anyway i came to wish y'all a merry christmas in advance as well as to celebrate some of my fandom bbys birthdays in advance !! \(^0^)/

→ 22.12 :: kageyama tobio (haikyuu!!)

→ 25.12 :: levi ackerman (attack on titan) + viktor nikiforov (yuri!!! on ice)

→ 26.12 :: chikara ennoshita (haikyuu!!)

→ 28.12 :: jaehee kang (mystic messenger)

→ 30.12 :: bertholdt hoover (attack on titan)

→ 31.12 :: daichi sawamura (haikyuu!!) + uri reiss (attack on titan)

i was also thinking of doing a christmas q&a session but last time i did a q&a there wasn't rly a lot of questions so :/ idrk if i shld even do it

if there are enough questions commented (which i expect will be 0), i will answer them in my personal ("oshiete, q-chan!")

if there aren't enough questions, i'll answer them in the comments section so your question will eventually get answered c:

feel free to fire away !! you don't necessarily have to ask one question, you can ask more than that, i'm more than happy to answer ^-^ (since i have nothing to do with my life lololol)

readers: if you shave so much time, why don't you write a bonus chappy ??!!

calm down, i am planning to write a christmas bonus chapter. =.= i know y'all want more moments with gohan, i understand...

so that's all for my a/n !! and if you wanna talk to me, i'm just one pm away !!

(*one call away starts playing* *gets slapped*)



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