Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


"You ready yet?" I ask as Kaleb walks over to the wardrobe with only a towel slung low on his hips and a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth.

"Mnwahereefnfew?" he mumbles.

"In English?" I ask as I take his toothbrush off him.

"Do I look ready?" he asks as he pulls a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt out of the wardrobe.

"Whatever," I say before I grab a pair of black skinnies (deciding to keep my Liverpool top on) and walk into the bathroom while Kaleb gets dressed.


"Kay, I'm leaving," Kaleb calls.

"Wait," I shout as I run after him, grabbing my phone on the way out the door.

"What?" he asks as he stops beside his car.

"I'm coming with you," I reply.

"Of coarse you are babe."

I shrug away the need to ask him what he means before I get in the car.


"Kaleb," I whine.

"What?" he asks as he walks out of the office again.

"I'm bored," I moan as I follow him.

"I know you've been telling me every time I pass through here," he smiles as he turns to face me.

"Well entertain me," I pout. Kaleb looks at me hungrily before I grab him by his collar and pull him closer. I smile as he pushes me against the wall. I lean in and close the gap between our lips. Kaleb kisses me as if my kiss is oxygen.

I giggle as someone clears their throat loudly. Kaleb growls as he pulls away and faces the person.

"Having fun, Kale?" a guy with shoulder length pure black hair and green eyes asks.

"I was entertaining my mate," he replies.

"Ah you must be Katerina," the guy says to me.

"It's Kay," I say as Kaleb pulls me closer to his side.

"It's nice to meet my future sister-in-law," the guy says.

"Sage!" Kaleb snaps.


"Can someone please explain?" I ask as I look between Kaleb and Sage.

"This is Sage, my best friend and my little sisters mate, unfortunately," Kaleb explains.

"You have a sister?" I ask.

"Yes and she's desperate to meet you," Sage replies.

"What do you want, Sage?" Kaleb asks.

"CeeCee, wants Fluffy back," Sage sighs.

"Cool. Kay, why don't you lead the way?" Kaleb says before he lets me go and I run away to the kennels.


"Did you get it?" I ask as we follow Kay.

"'Coarse I did," he replies as he pulls folded up papers out of his pocket.

"Why d'you want info on him?" he asks as I take the papers off him and shove them in my back pocket.

"He threatened Kay a while a go and she's petrified to be alone," I reply as I spot her mucking about with Mike's grey and white husky puppy.

"Mike wont be happy," Sage says as we smile at Kay.

"So? It's impossible to be angry at Kay. Trust me."

"I believe you since you're the most stubborn person I've ever met and you've got anger issues."

"Kay, baby, put the husky back please," I say ignoring what Sage had just said.

"Fine," she sighs before she puts the puppy back in it's cage.

"Your girls pouting," Sage laughs as he walks towards Fluffy's cage. My sisters evil little Lhasa Apso growls at Sage as he approaches it.

"Kay, help Sage out would you?" I ask before she nods and skips over to him. She manages to get Fluffy out of the cage without getting hurt.

"Wow, that girls amazing," Ste laughs as he and Mike walk towards us.

"Thanks," Kay smiles. "Kaleb never says that."

"You never give me a chance. You're either shouting at me or hiding in the garden," I laugh as she attaches a lead to Fluffy's collar and puts her down.

"Whatever. How can we help you boys?" Kay asks as she gives Sage the end of the lead and skips over to them.

"We'd like our dogs back please," Ste answers as Mike stares at Kay.

"She's mine," I growl quietly so only the guys can hear me. Mike's head snaps towards me as he mouths sorry.


After Mike, Ste and Sage leave with their difficult dogs I spot Kay pouting again.

"What's up babe?" I ask as I put my arm around her.

"I want one," she moans before I grab her hand and pull her round to the end cage.

"This little terror is a stray," I say as she smiles at the little toffee coloured Bichon Frise in front of us (pic at side).

"I love him," Kay squeals.

"What're you going to call him baby?" I ask as I take him out of the cage and spot Kay jumping up and down.

"Toffee!" she squeals as she takes him off me.

I frown as I remember this beautiful creature in front of me could end my life and she doesn't even know it. No chance at being Alpha, no chance of seeing my 21st birthday, no chance of seeing Kay's beautiful smiling face for much longer.

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