Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


"What's wrong?" I ask Kaleb as he grips the steering wheel tightly.


"Kale, tell me," I beg using Sage's nickname. Kaleb sighs as he parks the car outside the house and turns to face me.

"I don't want to upset you, darling," he says before he gets out the car. I get out with Toffee in my arms as he climbs the front steps.

"Kaleb, tell me now!" I order.

"Fine, You really want to know?" he shouts angrily as he turns to face me.


"YOU'RE KILLING ME! We have just under five days left to mate! If we don't I'll never be Alpha!" he shouts.

"Boo hoo! Never being Alpha. Big deal!"

"I won't get to become Alpha because I'll be DEAD!"

I fake sneeze. "Sorry I'm allergic to bull shit!"

"Can you just stop being a kid for two seconds? This isn't some fairy tail, Kay, this is real life!"

"Don't you think I know that? You're the one that has it all! I have nothing, Kaleb!"

"You can't keep using your parents death to get the sympathy vote!"

"You're a real DICK! I was really starting to think you were a good guy. I may even have had feelings for you but not now! I HATE YOU, KALEB CLARKE! I HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL!" I scream at him.


Her word reply in my head for the rest of the day. She had feelings for me and I wrecked it. I just signed my own death certificate.

"I HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL!" was the last thing she screamed at me before she ran away and shut herself in our bathroom. I can hear her crying right now. My heart aches with her every cry. I want to comfort her and tell her I'm sorry but she told me to and I quote; "Fuck off and never talk to her again unless I want her to rip my head off and stick it up my ass 'coz that's where my brain is."

"Kay, please come out," I beg before she opens the door and walks past me.

"Kay, I," I say before she turns round and death glares me. I sigh as she curls up at the edge of the bed with Toffee.

"Good night, Katerina," I whisper.


"Kay!" I shout repeatedly as I search the house for her. Toffee follows me as he whines. I look out the window to see my car's missing and as I check my pockets I find she's took my wallet as well. I try her phone but I find that down the side of the couch.

"Marigold, find something for Toffee to eat," I order as I call Sage.

"What's up, Kale?" he asks.

"Kay's missing!" I snap.

"Shit. Calm down we'll be right over," he says before he hangs up. I try to think of places she could be and instantly think of Calvin so I call him and pray that she's at his.

"What do you want, Kaleb?" he asks.

"Is Kay with you?"



"No why?"

"She's gone!" I snap.

"Shit. Call mum and dad and tell them. I'll be right over," he says before he hangs up. I sink down against the wall as tears spill down my cheeks before I dial their number.

"Hello," mum answers.

"She's gone," I cry.

"Kaleb?" she asks confused.

"I'm an idiot. I made her leave."

"Shush now honey. We'll be right over. Don't do anything stupid," she says before she hangs up.


"Kaleb?" CeeCee shouts.

"Kale?" Sage shouts.

"He's in there, sir," Marigold tells Sage.

"Oh, Kaleb," CeeCee sighs as she runs over and hugs me.

"She's gone," I whisper.

"It's going to be ok," she reassures me. "Sage, go get him a t-shirt," she says before he runs out of the room.

"I made her leave," I cry as mum joins us.

"Oh baby. It's going to be ok. We'll find her," she says as she kneels down on my other side. Dad enters the room with Sage and Calvin. Sage throws CeeCee a t-shirt as dad shakes his head at me.

"Don't you dare say that," mum snaps at dad. He looks shocked as he puts his hands up in surrender.

"What's the plan, Kaleb?" Calvin asks. I shrug as I lean my head on CeeCee's shoulder.

"Here's the plan. Claire, Sage, CeeCee and I will scout the area while Calvin and Kaleb stay here in case she comes home," dad says.

"Should we tell the rest of the pack?" CeeCee asks.

"No, not at the moment. We can't have them seeing their Beta like this. They'll think he's not fit enough to take over," dad says.

"Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid," mum says to Calvin as she gets up.

"I'm not two," I say as I get up and take the t-shirt off CeeCee.

"We know that but you're an emotional wreck," dad says.

"Phone us if you hear anything," Sage says as I pull the t-shirt on. Calvin nods before they leave.

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