Finding a New Friend

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A/N Sooooo Sorry i have not updated in a few months. With school ending, swimming started and ended, and i just got back from vacastion. Plus just got a new computer, it has been hard. So I will try to get chapter 8 up by the end of this week.

Happy Reading B) :)

Chapter 7


So it turns out that we just met up and the whole group went shopping. We went to so many stores. Is it weird that I feel like Conner will show up and take me away. Wait, why am I thinking about him now, I'm here to have fun with the girls. Okay, back to shopping. My favorite store that we went into was hot topic - which was way bigger than the one back in Florida - where I bought most of my stuff. I got a few band shirts, and some skinny jeans and a new sweatshirt. I picked up some bracelets - rubber and non-rubber - because it was getting to hot out here to keep wearing long sleeves and some new necklaces. Once we were done we got back into two cars and headed home.

"So Mikyla how did you like spending time with the girls?" I turned to her from where I was sitting in the back to face Kalli and Rydel in the front.

"It was fun. I never really got to go out to the mall much back home."


Once we got back to the BVB house, the guys just finished up practice and were sitting in the living room according to Lori who went in to tell the boys that we were home. Then Andy and... Ross? Came out to help us with our bags. As we were getting our bags out Sammi's car pulled up in the driveway and Jinxx came out to help as well.

"Okay that's all from this car but I think they are going to need some help over there. Sammi had a little too much fun with the whole shopping trip." Kalli said pointed to Sammi's car.

At the mention of her name Sammi turned from where she was and glared at Kalli.

"Really? Again with the Sammi loves shopping jokes, it kind of hurts now." She said while making a fake hurt face. Then Jinxx came up behind her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Now see Sammi, you wouldn't be you if you just brought home one shopping bag. Now would you?"

Then Sammi turned around and kissed Jinxx.

"You're right. I wouldn't be med. So some people should respect that. Kalli!! And this is why I am marrying you Jinxx because you are smart and all the other boys would just go alone and make another comment."

"And they say we're love crazy."

I turned to see Andy whispering that in to Kalli's ear, making it loud enough for us to hear it to.

"Okay how about this, Ross, why don't you help Mikyla with her bags while we take care of the others?"

That is when I remember that Ross was standing there and blushed. It's weird I feel nervous but at the same time I don't. I walked over and grabbed some of my bags and turned to see Ross standing next to me.

"You can take those three and I got this three."


Once we were inside the house, I stopped and turned to Ross.

"We can just take these up to my room." I said quickly and quietly you could almost hear me.

"Sure, lead the way."

We walked up the stairs and headed to my room. When we got there I opened the door and lead him in.

"You can drop the bags anywhere."

"Okay... Nice room. Are you going to put anything up on the walls? Or are you going to leave it this way."

"Well even though I am just here for the summer. Andy and Kalli said that I could do anything to the room because they want this to be my room for when I come back." If I don't get hurt by Conner for lying to him. "I got some posters from hot topic and the music store."

"Would you like some help with hanging them up. You know I'm tall and can reach up high." He smirked at me and it made me laugh a little.

"Oh so now you're calling me short? Because I'll have you know that I am normal height."

"Yah, sure Shorty." He walked over and patted my head lightly.

It's weird that we feel awkward when everyone is around but when we are alone I feel like I could tell him everything and it be okay. But it's not okay, it's the scariest thing ever. Because last time I trusted a guy besides for grandpa, I don't even know if I could trust Andy even if he is my brother.

"So which bags have they posters in them?"


Once we got all the posters out and haft of them lay out on the ground. There was a lot more because Riker and Ash came up to give us some old R5 and BVB posters to put up.

"Okay so how are we going to put these up and where?" Ross said looking around the room.

"I think you should take the Ashley poster and put it over your bed, so I'm - I mean Ashley is always watching you." We heard from the other side of the door.

"Shut up Ash and no I will not put that poster on my walls at all."

"This is not Ashley it's - um - Lori. Just saying he is way better then CC and anyone else in the band... OW! WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!"

"Shut up Ash you know Andy will kick your ass if you started going after Mikyla and as Andy already said, she is too good for you, so get over it." And that's the real Lori. "Oh, and you will never level up to CC on my scale."

"Thanks Lori and goodbye Ashley." I started to laugh at the two of them.

Then I turned back to Ross, who was laughing as well.

"I think you should start on the ones we are going to put up high and we should start on this wall because there is more space." I pointed over to the wall with the most amount of space. When I turned back around I saw him plugging in his phone to my speakers.

"All Time Low makes anything better." He started blasting Somewhere In Neverland (AKA my favorite song).

Once we finished that wall, we went to the one with my bed; we had to stand on my bed to reach.

We were working on the last one when Backseat Serenade came one and I started to jump on the bed. Ross as laughing at me then joined in with me. Okay so maybe this wasn't the best idea I have ever came up with, because you see my bed was a twin and way to small for both on us jumping. So as I started to loose balance, I almost fell off the bed. Luckily Ross was there because he grabbed me by the waist. By then everything felt like it was going in slow motion. When he pulled me back up he started to loose balance and we fell back on my bed together.


"It's okay." I said looking up at his face.

I just stared in his eyes and it felt like this morning when he looked at me. It's like I can't even describe what I felt. But the only thing different about this time was that it seemed like his head was moving closer to mine, then I noticed my head was moving as well. One of his hands was moving to my check and left it there. Just then...






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