You're My WHAT?!?!

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Chapter 2



After getting our bags, we walked up to the door. I knocked on the door. The door finally opened and you will never guess who it was...


I'm dreaming. But I don't want to wake up. He is not standing in front of me. We have to have the wrong house.

Okay dumbass; say something you look like a freak. Great I'm hearing voices in my head.

Finally finding my voice. "Your A-Andy." Great now I'm stuttering. But can you blame me, I'm standing in front of my savior, hero... Andy Biersack. WAIT...

"Mikyla?... Oh My, it has been years." Huh? "It took you guys long enough to bring her home." Home? What the hell is going on? And how does Andy know my name?

"Sweetheart, you know we had to." Nana had a hug grin on her face when she saw Andy.

"Son, do you mind letting us in? Our bags are hurting my arms." Why did Grandpa call him son? Okay I'm a little creped out now. My grandparents are acting really strange.

"Of course, you can come in. I would never let family stand out side my house." This is Andy's house. Wait... Family?

When we walked in the house a man walked out with dirty blonde hair like my original color.

"Andy wha- Mikyla is that you?" I just stared at this man in front of me. He looked like an older version of Andy. "Oh My... AMY GET DOWN HERE! THERE IS SOMEONE I THINK YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE."


"ONE WORD... MIKYLA." This man - Chris - yelled to I'm guessing his wife - Amy - my name. Then turned back to me with a huge grin on his face.

Next thing I know I hear something drop. Then I hear something along the line of "SHIT" coming from upstairs. Then footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Mikyla is it really you? Are you really here?" Tears coming down her face now. Then she runs to me giving me a big hug. She finally let go and saw the confusion on my face. "Oh sweety, you're probably completely confused right now." I nodded my head. "How about you come and sit and we can talk. Just you, Nana and me. How does that sound?" I nodded my head again.

I was tugging at my long sleeve shirt to make sure my bruises were covered. I looked up to see Andy looking at me with a questioning look then looked at me in the eyes. He was filled with emotions, first a questioning look then shock, to anger but it quickly changed to concern.

Feeling self-conscious, I turned around and walking into the room with Nana and the woman Amy.

"Mikyla come sit down next to me." I walked over to Nana and sat down. Amy was on the other couch across from us. "Mikyla Amy is safe there is nothing to worry about. Anyway I'm here next to you." Nana knows that I don't feel comfortable around people.

"Mikyla I know this will sound completely insane. But you have to hear me out and let me explain everything first, okay?"

I knotted my head. I just want to know what she wants to say.

"First let me tell you my name. I am Amy Biersack." She has the same last name as me and looks like me. Wait?!

"Mikyla this is your mother and that man from before is my son and your father." Amy explained. What?! I let the words sink in. Wait! That means Andy is my BROTHER, I though as my heart raced.

"Mom," I got off the couch and she did the same. "Mommy, I can't believe this." I pulled her in a hug.

"Is it save to come in?" I let go of my mother. Wow! That, I will have to get use to. I turned around to see my father.

"Daddy," I ran to give him a hug. Well actually I jumped in his arms.

"I am so glad to have my princess back." I got down from him. I looked around and saw my grandparents and my parents. Wait, where is Andy?

"Where's Andy?"

"He is upstairs," My dad pointed up the stairs. "First door on the right."


I got up the stairs and went to the door my dad directed me to. I knocked on the door.

"Come in"

I walked in and Andy was laying on his bed staring up at the ceiling. "So I was actually expecting my brother to get up and give his little sister a hug. But I guess he is just too lazy." I have decided to put more effect on my plead and have him my world famous pout.

"So you think that pout is going to work on me," I nodded at him. "Well that is a very convincing pout because it worked." I was grinning like a crazy person.

He got up and walked towards me. I met him half way. I wrapped my arms around his waist and put my head on his chest.

"I missed you so much," he laid his head on my shoulder. "You probably don't remember because you were 3 but I would play with you all the time. I was so happy for being an older brother. When you had to go I was really upset. Me being 5 I didn't know what was going on but I know I was losing my little sister."

I was now tearing up. I ignored the question about why I left because I would asked my grandparents but they would always change the subject. "Andy why are you up here and not downstairs?"

"I got a call from my band mates. We kind of have practice tonight but I told them I couldn't go because of family stuff."

"Because I'm here that doesn't mean you can't go."

"Fine, I'll go. Only if you come with me and meet the band. Also meet the BVB girls."


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B) <3


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