Is What I'm Feeling Okay?

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A/N Finally finished editting chapter 8 :)

This is a birthday present to my best friend Claire! See now you dont have to try and steal my notebook. :)

Happy Reading :)


Chapter 8



I just stared in his eyes and it felt like this morning when he looked at me. It's was like I can't even describe what I felt. But the only thing different about this time was that it seemed like his head was moving closer to mine, then I noticed my head was moving as well. One of his hands was moving to my check and left it there. Just then...


Just then... the door opened to reveal Andy and Jinxx? running in. Then they stopped when they saw how we were.

"Okay so do you guys want Chinese or pizza?" Jinxx asked when the tension in the room grew.

"Okay as the older brother would ask what the hell is going on but I want to be a cool big bro. But Ross should know that I am VERY protective of my girls."

During Andy's speech I slowly pulled away from Ross and for some reason felt cold, like Ross was keeping me warm. In response I tugged at my sleeves feeling weird. Jinxx noticed but Andy was to busy glaring at Ross to notice and Ross just look at Andy like he was waiting for Andy to go crazy.

"Okay I kind of want pizza how about you Ross?" Trying to get Andy to stop but isn't weird that the person who always feels weird is the stopping it.

"What... Oh... Yah pizza sounds good."

"Okay I'll go tell Kalli." Then I all but ran downstairs to get away from that tension.


I walked into the kitchen to find Lori, Kalli, and CC talking.

"Hey, so did you put up all the posters?"

"No, I still have the ones that are going on my door left." I said as I took a seat.

"So did you guys decide what you want for dinner?"

"Yah pizza. Hey where are Sammi, Jake, Ella, and Ash? Oh and Rydel, Rocky, and Riker?"

"Well Jake and Ella had somewhere to be and Ash said he had to go get ready to go clubbing. And Sammi took Rydel and Rocky for a photo shoot. And Riker had to go drop off the equipment before going to pick up their little brother Ryland. Who is actually your age maybe you will get to meet him."

"Oh so are any of them coming back?"

"Sammi said she is because of Jinxx and Rydel is because she is taking Ross home but the other I don't think are coming back."


Then the three other boys finally came downstairs. Ross came in last and took the seat next to me. Everyone was looking at us with a knowing look. I started to feel uncomfortable. I started to pull on my sleeves again.

"Mikyla you alright?"

"Yah I'm fine. So are we ordering pizza or what?"

"Yah CC and Lori are ordering now." I turned to Andy who spoke.

"Why are they both in there?"

"Because CC has the number in his phone but if he orders alone he will order t whatever he wants and we don't want that."

"Okay but why does he have the number then?"

"You know what I don't know why he does."

Just then they came back in and sat down.

"The pizza will be here in like 30 minutes."

"Okay so what are we going to do now?"

"BATMAN!!!!!" Oh, my big bro is such a kid.


The pizza came half way through the movie, so we ate well watching batman. I ended up sitting with Ross on the love seat. After what happened up stairs - well almost happened - I don't know what to do? I feel like if I get to close he will either physically hurt me or break my heart, but also what would happen if Conner found me and I get close to Ross, what would Conner do to him? This is getting to complicated.


After the movie was over we started to talk for a bit then everyone left and I went upstairs to get ready for bed. After I was done I went down stairs to go watch some TV. I passed Andy and Kalli's room, and heard them talking.

"Andy, I'm really worried about Mikyla. She is always zoning out and I think you could agree she looks like I did when we first meet. She is all happy and carefree then something happens and she shuts down and I don't think I'm the only one who has noticed. I'm just worried that maybe something happened before she left."

"I know and I'm worried too. But I have to agree with what you say about her being like you when we first meet and I just hope that is not what is going on with her because I can't even think about it without feeling like punching something."

After hearing that I walked back into my room and just lied down on my bed. What if they find out about Conner and what he did to me and think I'm a freak? Wait no this is Andy Biersack, who will understand me and is my brother. But what if Ross finds out and thinks I'm a freak? Wait, why am I thinking about Ross? It's not like I have feelings for him, I just meet him. Right?






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