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Nothing interesting to talk about..the past couple of days have just been boring. BUT ANOTHER F**KING KID (AnonymousGamer21) IS GOING TO THE FALL OUT BOY CONCERT (No one cares if it's your birthday) HE'S SUCH A FAKE FAN (I just went there) HE PROBABLY CAN'T NAME 10 SONGS IN 2 MINUTES. Guys this is pure rage. You don't understand....FOR MY BIRTHDAY I GOT NOTHING. Nooootthhiiinnngg. Asdfjkl;. My life is so useless. Why must the world hate me. Why must people see the beautiful magical face of Pete Wentz, BUT NOT ME. I mean, 5SOS is bad enough, Dan and Phil are releasing their tour tickets on Thursday..and I can't take the stress. ARE THEY COMING HERE OR NOT?! And I'll be gone all summer. Song of the day is Kids Aren't Alright, by Fall Out Boy

I'm lonely.. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora