A confession

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Guys..I've been hiding this for a really long time now..and I've finally decided to tell you. Some of my best friends don't even know this..I didn't know what to tell them because I had told them otherwise for so long. 

So I'm coming out 


Pfft, you thought I was serious, I can't just casually tell the Internet serious secrets, you would have to ask me what my deepest secret was in real life. Oh there would be a real story there. But I didn't know what to post today so I thought I'd tell you a secret. Anyway, thought I'd switch up the regular bands I choose for song f the day, today's song of the day is..

*drumroll please*

Helena (So Long And Good Night) By My Chemical Romance

Now this song is my favorite MCR song, so treat it well, it's not too hardcore so don't worry about that, the lead singer actually wrote it about his grandma who died (hence the name Helena). 

Now my fellow idiots..FREAKING 5SOS POSTED A VIDEO OF THEIR FIRST SHOW OF THE TOUR IN NAGOYA JAPAN. 5Sos..you can't just do this to me. THEY FREAKING MET DOGE IT IN. (Me wants a Shiba Inu) goodbye I'm bored. 

I'm lonely.. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora