Chapter 10: Bullying

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     It was the end of my first day of high school. It went much better than I had expected, and I actually had made some friends. And I found Melody. So definitely much better than I had expected.

     I walked to my locker. Twelve, twenty-five, twenty-two. The door swings open and almost all of my books fall out on to the floor. Great, Hannah was probably outside waiting already, and now I had to reorganize everything.

     By the time I had finished, everyone else had left and the hallway was empty. All of the teachers were in the conference room doing something, so even the classrooms were empty.

     I grabbed my bag and stood up to leave, when a student storms in from outside. He's running from someone. Blake.

     "What did you call me?!" yelled another student as he rushes after him. I recognized him as a boy named Anthony, he was tall and muscular, your typical popular guy. He was followed by the two Michael's. Anthony caught up with Blake and pushed him up against the lockers. The three surrounded him.

     "What did you call me?!" Anthony yelled again.

     "I called you a stupid jock who only cares about himself and sports," Blake said.

     "And?" said Anthony in a taunting voice.

     Blake leaned in so close that Anthony even shrunk back a bit, "I meant every word."

     Anthony regained his composure and grabbed Blake by his shirt collar.

     "You're gonna pay for that you little-" Anthony started. I couldn't let him just do this, so I spoke up.

     "Hey! Leave him alone!" I shouted. They all turned to look at me.

     "Stay out of this, newbie," said the black haired Michael.

     "Yeah," said the other, "What are you gonna do about it?" They all laughed.

     "Maybe if you leave now I won't get you involved, sweetheart," said Anthony, "Now get out of here before I change my mind,"

     "I-I won't," I said nervously.

     Anthony sighed. He looked to the black haired Michael, then to me, back to Michael, and nodded. He started walking towards me while the ginger Michael and Anthony turned back to Blake. Wow, bullied here too. Go figure. Michael was about to hit me straight in the face when two girls rounded the corner.

     "Hey! What's going on here?"

     "Is this something we should address?"

     It was Symphony and Elaina. Thank god.

     "This isn't any of your business, so stay out of it," Anthony said.

     "Actually, it is, seeing as that's our friend who your goon is trying to beat up," said Symphony.

     "You know it's awfully brave of you to try to stand up to us," said the Michael who was trying to punch me, "seeing as your just a bunch of-"

    "I'm gonna stop you there," Elaina said. She smirked and without taking her eyes off of Michael, she said to Symphony, "Would you like to do the honors?"

    "Of course," said Symphony. She cracked her knuckles.

     Before I knew what was happening, Michael let out a cry of pain and was clutching his jaw, which was bruised and bleeding. Symphony had a look of satisfaction on her face like none other. Elaina turned to the other two boys.

     "Unless you'd like to end up like him, I suggest you get out of here."

     All three of them left, trying to look cool as they sauntered away in fear, the injured Michael trudging behind them all. Elaina and Symphony walked over to me.

     "Hey, you alright?" Symphony asked sincerely. 

     "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for the help."

     "No problem," Elaina said, "We got to go, see you ."

    "Bye," I waved. They walked down the hallway, turned the corner then were gone.

    "So," said Blake. I jumped. I had nearly forgotten he was there. I turned to him, kind of embarrassed.

     "Um, hi."

     "Thanks for standing up for me back there."

     "Oh, that was nothing. I didn't even help really, I just," I said. I was making a fool of myself, but Blake cut me off.

     "Hey, it takes a lot to stand up to jerks like them, you did help," he smiled.

     I smiled back. We stood there for a while in silence, starring at the ground.

     "Well my mom is waiting so," I turned to go, but he grabbed my arm.

     "Wait," he said. He looked kind of nervous.

     "Yeah?" I asked.

     "Your friends with my sister, right?"

     "Yeah, why?"

     "Just don't tell her, okay?"

     "What do you-?" I started, but I couldn't finish.

     He leaned in and our lips were touching. My first kiss. It was the best day of my life. My first day at a new school and I had met my sister, made new friends, and had my first kiss. Plus, I had a brownie for breakfast: yup. Best. Day. Ever.

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