Chapter 16: The Should-Have-Been Best Day Gone All Wrong

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Screams. Running. Shock. What was going on? Chaos. Ruckus. Death. It was all happening so quick, yet the only thing on my mind was Melody. I was just reunited with my sister, I was not going to loose her again.

"Melody?" I call, "Melody! Melody, where are you?"

"Alice? Alice! What's going on?!" I looked behind me to the voice. Elizabeth.

"Heather? Heather?! What-!"

I look to Heather and see the most bizarre scene I have ever witnessed. She was disintegrating. Almost as if she was being taken out of existence, one piece at a time. Slowly having pixel by pixel fall apart and disappear into thin air.

"Elizabeth? What's going on? What's happening to me?!" Heather screams. Her face is full of pure terror.

Elizabeth runs over to Heather, grabbing her hand that is still in tact.

"It's going to be okay. It's all going to be-"

"Elizabeth! Help me!" Heather was crying at this point. It had reached up to her shoulder and thighs, "Stop it! Please!"

"I- I don't know how!" Now Elizabeth was resulting to tears. I soon felt hot streams run down my face as well.

"Elizabeth? Elizabeth!" It had gotten worse and going fast. She was almost completely gone.

"Heather! Look at me! No matter what happens, know that I care about you! No matter what!"

"Elizabeth! Elizabeth?!"


And just like that, she was gone.

Elizabeth fell to her knees, crying. I watched as she shook with her breathes. She then mustered all of the strength in her and stood up, facing me.

"We have to save the others," she was full of determination.

"But how-"


Three shots. All heading towards me. This is it. I'm a goner. Or not.

Elizabeth jumped in front of me, taking the shots herself.


"W- what's? What's going on?!"

She didn't seem as though she was in pain, but the wounds were acting up. They were bleeding almost twice as fast. Almost as if she had been bleeding for hours now.

"Alice! Alice... I... can't see... Everything's all... blurry..."

She collapsed, but I caught her.

"Elizabeth? Elizabeth?! Elizabeth, answer me!"

No response.


Still no response.

I then checked her pulse.


She's gone... Elizabeth...

I look to my left to see Symphony and Elaina.

"Symphony! Put the gun down!"

It was tragic, the scene. Symphony, standing, gun in hand, pointed towards her own temple. Elaina stood in front of her, begging her to not pull the trigger... Although, it was somehow... different... from how things like this usually go down.

"Symphony! We talked about this! You said you were over it!"

"I am! I really am! I can't help it! I'm not in control of my movements, Evie! There must be a break in the line! It's all happening again!"

Break? Line? What's happening? And who's Evie? She was obviously talking to Elaina. Did she get her name wrong?

"A break?" Elaina asks, "That means... shit! Symphony! Don't do it! You have to fight! You know what will happen if we die again!"


"I know! I'm trying! Really!"

They were both crying intensely. Streams of tears falling like rain on windows.

"Symphony. Don't. Symphony!"

"I'm sorry! I can't help it! I can-"


The shot was fired. The gun fell to the floor with a clank. Soon followed by a thump as Symphony's lifeless body hit the floor.

"Symphony! Symphony you- what? Shit!"

Just then a table fell near Elaina. Glass bottles from the table's surface seemed to float into the air, almost as though they were levitating.

"No... No!"

One of the bottles then smashed into Elaina's head, leaving her severely bleeding. She then fell to the floor. Dead.

"Ah! My leg!"

It was Jhane. It seemed as though there were a terrible pain in her right leg. She fell to her knees immediately, unable to bear the excruciating pain. She screamed as it got worse and worse. It was soon too much for her body to handle and it gave out. Dead.

"What? What's going on?!"

Chelsie and Callie. The two were standing next to each other. Soon, almost out of nowhere, Callie was thrown into the wall by an invisible force. She hit her head very hard. Something that most likely would cause a concussion. But she then slouched to the floor. Dead.

"Callie! Ca- what? What is this?!"

Cuts began appearing all along Chelsie's arms. They were deep and bled quickly. Including one that spelled out something. I couldn't read it because I was too far away. Chelsie then began to look sick. Almost as if she ate something she shouldn't have. She fell to her hand and knees and began coughing, hacking. She started spitting up blood with every cough. She was getting paler by the second. Then, she lost all of her strength, and collapsed. Dead.

Now, there was only one left.


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