A/N you really don't have to read because I know you don't care

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HEYO PEOPLES! This is the first book I've written on here, but not the first that I've written irl so..........I don't even know why I'm talking. I had this idea a while ago and thought it was good so why not?

Anyways I hate to be that person that's all like "oh I wanna thank blah blah blah and blah blah blah and blahbitty blah blah" like its the Grammy's over here but I DO wanna thank @lemonsourpatchkid for helping me edit this because I know that it would have so many spelling errors without editing because I've gotten to the point where Google doesn't even know what I'm saying.

I didn't really want to do this at first, but my friends said that I am a good writer so I figured I'd try it out.

Anyways I'm done now so you don't have to read anymore of my terrible babbling. ON TO ZE STORY!

~The Duchess of Nerds

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