Chapter 18: Death

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No. No. This can't be. All of the people I care about are hurt. Melody is bleeding to death at this very moment, almost everyone else died in front of me, and now Blake...

Is there really any reason anymore? To live? Everything I know, everything I love, it's all gone. There really is no reason to keep fighting it.

"Miss! We need to help you!" a doctor yells, most likely speaking to me.

"No!" I answer, "I'm going to die. Here and now. The way it should have been in the first place. It will be better for everyone like that. I can't hurt anyone now,"

My body can no longer endure the pain. I collapse to the ground, still bleeding.


Someone calls me. The voice is very familiar. But it can't be.

The next thing I know I see a person hovering over me. My vision is blurred, but I can soon make out the face. Blake.

"Alice! We need to get you into the hospital, quick!" he says.

"How are you...?" I ask shakily, "The bracelet..."

"I lost it in the commotion, but that doesn't matter right now. We need to get you help," he said.

"You can't... help me now," I say between breaths.

"Yes, we can. Now come on. I'll carry you,"

"No... please... leave me... All I do... is hurt others... this way... no one gets hurt... It's better for everyone... please..."

"No. You don't hurt people. If anything, you make them feel better. Please. Live for Chelsie and Callie and Elizabeth and Melody and Heather and Jhane and Lillian and Symphony and Elaina and Katelyn and everyone else. Please... Live for me..." a single tear streamed down his cheek and splashed onto my face. I smile.

"I will always love you, Blake..."

I slowly drifted away. As I did I felt more and more tears fall onto my face. Until everything went dark, and I was gone from the face of this Earth.

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