Chapter 14: The Secrets Sister's Keep

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     "The dance is tonight and I have no idea what to wear!" I complained to my sister.

     "There's plenty of things in your closet, just pick one," Melody says, still laying down on her bed, "What about that?"

     She was pointing at a black dress. It has lace sleeves and is ankle-length.

     "No," I began, "It's too black. Ugh! I don't know what to do!"

     After what felt like years of bickering, Melody shoves me into a dark blue, knee-length dress with a silver belt.

     Melody decided to wear a black, sleeveless, knee-length dress that is so tight I doubt she can even breathe. She is also, of course, wearing her signature snake ring. A silver serpent that wraps around her finger three times and has shimmering red rubies for eyes. She never takes it off. Some kind of personal thing I guess.

     "What about hair and makeup?" I ask, completely new to the concept as I am more of a tomboy.

     "Everything will be fine. Chill. Just trust me. Come into the bathroom and I'll do it," Melody answered, clearly trying to calm me down. Though she didn't seem very calm herself. She's been acting kind of weird these past few days. 

     As I sat in the bathroom, Melody behind me, curling iron in hand, I decided I should ask her. She is my sister after all.

     "Hey, Melody?" I began.

     "Yeah?" Melody answers, not taking her eyes off of my hair.

     "Are you okay? You've been kinda on edge lately,"

     As soon as the words have been said she freezes, shocked. She then sighs and says:

     "Alice? Can I ask you something?"


     "If you had to do something, something big, that would hurt the people you love, would you do it? Even if the consequences for not doing it could hurt you until the day you die? Is it really worth it?"

     I just sat there in shock. Every word that came out of her mouth held more emotion than I believed possible. This truly meant a lot to her.

     "What?" I asked, still very confused.

     "Never mind. It was stupid. Just forget I said anything." Melody tried to cover up.

     Is she hiding something?

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