Busy Day

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Roy's POV
I yawned as I stood from bed. I lazily brushed my hair and put on my uniform and boots. Once I was finished, I walked towards the bathroom and brushed my teeth. After, I walked towards the door and threw on my jacket. I began my walk to Central Command.

"Al come on! I don't want to get to the library and have it be packed already!" I heard. It was none other than Fullmetal.

"S-Sorry Brother!" Alphonse replied. I smiled softly. They seemed happy. Or at least, they tried to. No one knows what those two boys think in their heads. Knowing Fullmetal, he's probably guiltily about his past mistakes. I know that feeling all to well. Especially after that war in Ish-

"-ang? Hey Mustang, you awake in there?" Fullmetal questioned.

"Huh...? Oh. Sorry Fullmetal, I was....thinking..." I replied. He nodded.

"Oh." Was all he replied with.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be." I explained, walking towards Central.

-Time Skip-

I sighed quietly as I let my pen rest on a pile of unfinished paper work. Hawkeye walked into the room. She stopped at my desk and saluted. "Sir." She began.

"Yes Lieutenant?" I asked.

"There was another attack." She replied grimly. I nodded and stood up. Together, we walked towards other soldiers who seemed to be discussing the alchemist.

"One of the most vicious criminals yet..." An soldier stated. People in the crowd nodded.

"Colonel Mustang." The head soldier, General Michael stated. I nodded.

"General." I replied.

"Any luck with locating this rouge alchemist?" I questioned. General shook his head.

"None. But we did find a pattern." He stated. I raised an eye brow.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"An attack pattern. The last victim before the one we discovered today was a regular military officer. The victim before that, a State Alchemist." He began.

"Today's victim was a regular officer." He added.

"So your saying that this alchemist isn't just after State Alchemist's. He's after the military in its entirety." I concluded. General nodded.

"Exactly." He agreed.

Sorry it's so late guys! I've been a little busy lol. Anyways, hope you enjoyed chapter two! And I shall see you all next chapter! Bai!

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