Why Him?

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Roy's POV
I looked at the small boy that laid in front of me. He was sleeping in what looked like a painful slumber. The blond's face would scrunch up from time to time in pain. I sighed quietly. The door opened. "Colonel Mustang, I suppose?" A doctor asked. I nodded.

"Yes. That'd be me." I answered. He nodded.

"It's a miracle that he's still alive. If you got him here any minute later, he'd be a goner." I glanced at Ed.

"How badly was his hurt?"

"It looks like he was assaulted and mostly thrown around. Multiple of his injuries can justify that." He explained. I nodded.

"Could I get an exact list of his injuries? Just so that I can inform his brother and the military." I questioned.

"Of course Colonel. I'll have a nurse stop by and hand it to you." He replied. I once again nodded. I glanced at Ed and guilt filled me again. That boy has a habit of worrying me. But not like this.

"Don't worry Colonel. He'll make a full recovery. But, he'll be here for a bit." The doctor explained. I didn't reply. I was too occupied with the thought of telling Alphonse about what happened to Ed. "Well, I'll leave you be. The nurse will be in here quickly to check up on his condition. She'll have the list with her then." He stated before stepping out.

A few moments later, a nurse walked in. If I wasn't so guilt stricken, I probably would've fawned over her mini skirt. But, I have a feeling deep down, I wouldn't have. But why? Wasn't I, Roy Mustang a womanizer who could get any girl he wanted? Wasn't I attracted to women? It doesn't make any sense.

"Mr. Mustang? I have the list you asked for." She explained. I nodded and accepted the paper.

"Thank you." I replied, and began reading it over.

'Major blood loss, broken ribs, broken arm, slight concussion, and what looks like auto mail ports are badly messed up.'
My eyes couldn't help but widen slightly. I frowned a bit and watched as the nurse rewrapped Ed's head. Some of the blood from his wound was seeping through.

"It's kinda scary..." The nurse suddenly said. This caught my attention.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's almost frightening how a child got hurt so badly. It kinda makes you wonder why him?" She explained. A small hint of a smile formed on my frowning lips. Edward was far from a child at times. But deep down, no one can argue it. He's really just a little boy trying to fix his mistake. He doesn't want to see people suffering. Not when he's suffered enough. When she didn't hear my reply, she nervously laughed.

"Sorry....I should've keep that thought to myself." She apologized. I shook my head.

"No, it's fine. I often wonder that myself actually..." I replied. She finished wrapping Ed's wounds and kindly smiled at me.

"I'll be back later to check up on him again." She stated before walking out, leaving me to wallow in my guilt.

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