Feelings And Memories

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Roy's POV
There was a bright light in front of me as my eyes opened slowly. 'Crap, don't tell me I'm in heaven! Wait, that doesn't sound right. After everything I've done, hell seems like a more appropriate place for me...' I glanced around the room, and saw I was in a hospital room. There was some sort of pressure on the bed, and I saw a familiar blonde resting on the side.

I smiled softly as I gently lifted up my arm, and a sting of pain shot through my shoulder, making me wince. Memories of why I was injured came back to me. I sighed and used my healthy arm to run my hand gently through Ed's hair.

He looked so calm, and happy while he was sleeping. It was nice to see the boy look like this once in a while. Suddenly, Edward began to stir a little, making me pull my hand back.

"Mm.....your awake Colonel...." He mumbled. He suddenly shot up, eyes wide, and a bright blush on his face. "Your awake?!" He exclaimed. I nodded. Suddenly, Ed's chair tipped backwards as he processed the situation, and he fell along with the chair. Ed let out a yelp as he did, and his head collided with the chair.

"Edward! Are you alright?!" I asked worriedly. It was only then, when I saw a bandage on his cheek. He slowly sat up, groaning and rubbing his head.

"Yeah...just peachy Colonel Bastard...." He mumbled in reply. Suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Wait a sec..." He trailed off.

"I remember everything now!"

Lying To Protect You (RoyEd)Where stories live. Discover now