Guilt And Disbelief

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Roy's POV
My door slammed open. "Welcome back Fullmet-"

"Colonel! Brother's missing!" Al exclaimed, cutting me off.

"Huh? He's not home yet?" I asked. Al shook his head.

"I'll send out a search party." I decided. I stood up and looked at my subordinates.

"Lieutenant Hawkeye, I'm placing you in charge. Get a group of soldiers to aid you." I declared.

"Sir." She replied with a salute. Then, she turned around to face the others.

"Havoc and Fuery take at least three men with you. Breda, Falman same goes to you." They all nodded. Once commands were completed, they rushed out the room, leaving me and the younger Elric brother.

"Colonel, brother's okay right...?" Al asked. I nodded, even though I was unsure of it myself.

"I'm sure Ed's fine. He's a tough person remember? I'm sure he's walking back here right now to find you." I replied. Alphonse nodded.

"You're probably right Sir." He agreed.

-Time Skip-

Hawkeye walked into the office. "Sir, we couldn't find Edward." She explained. A look of panic and worry found it's way to my face.

"Look again." I stated.

"But Sir-"

"Look again Lieutenant. Check everywhere. And I'll be joining the search." I explained. Hawkeye nodded and saluted. With that, we walked out the room and then out of the building.

I began walking around central alone, looking for the small blond. The other soldiers went with other teams. My mind raced as I searched. The sun had gone down a while ago, so I held a flashlight in my hand. I shined it into alley ways and in windows. Some people came out of their homes in question as to why I was inspecting the area. I told them I was searching for someone.

After, they went back inside. I felt something crack under my foot. It was a piece of metal. I decided to follow the small trail of pieces. As I was walking, my eyes caught a flash of red. I raised an eye brow in question and walked towards it. That's when I saw the blond...mess of hair. My eyes widened in horror.

"No way...." I muttered. I walked towards the unconscious boy. He was still alive, but hanging by a thread. Blood was everywhere. Bruises were everywhere as well. His auto mail arm was gone, laying in a pile of damaged parts not to far away. His auto mail leg was also included in that pile.

Blood was trailing from his forehead, even the side of his head, his mouth and his side. I looked at him. I gently picked him up and held him close to me, being careful with his injuries. An agonizing guilt filled me. I couldn't believe that I let this happen to him.

"I'm sorry Ed....I didn't do a good enough job of protecting you..."

Lying To Protect You (RoyEd)Where stories live. Discover now