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A/N: WOHOO Its 10 chaps already! To all those reading, thank you verryyyy much.
-Niall's P.O.V- When Luke flirted with Alexis, I was jealous. I may have fallen or her.
I acted like a fool. I should've controlled my feelings, and not stared at him, but Luke's a very nice guy, and he is totally into Alexis, if he ever asks her out, I'll definitely lose her. And That's what I fear.
I even have to tell her about my application to Xfactor. Yes, I always wanted to apply there, I loved singing and this would be a great platform to become famous someday.
Audition's in two weeks, I don't even know how am I gonna manage graduation and stuff if I get through. But right now, all I need to do is think of a way to tell Alexis.
I sighed. My mind wouldn't stop thinking, which is why falling asleep felt almost impossible.
I just tossed and turned for what almost felt like forever.
Finally, I gave up. I sat up in bed, my head spinning. I searched for my phone in the blinding darkness.
I clicked on the power button, only for the screen to light up. There displayed the time flashing '2:18 a.m'
Wow. What a long night to go. Sigh.
I couldn't even wake Alexis, that would be so mean of me. So I decided to watch a movie on my phone.
Not caring which one, whatever came first I clicked on and watched.
Eventually, I got bored and dozed off probably.
"Waakeeee up LAZY ARSE." I heard someone scream on the phone. I probably didn't even realise that I had answered a call.
It took me a couple of seconds to realise that it was Alexis.
"Oh hey, Morning..." I said, my voice all deep and husky.
I heard her giggle through the phone. "Looks like someone didn't catch up on sleep." She said, still giggling.
"Yeah, I was sleepless." I said, giving a small yawn.
"Well, you have no choice but to get your lazy arse down for breakfast in 10 minutes."
"Wait what? 10 minutes?! Eh, what the hell!?!Okay bye." I said, realising how I overslept and hung up, leaving her no time to say anything.